Sep 24, 2005 07:37
Wow so yea, almost everyone has heard what hapened with the field, so Im not even gonna bother going into that....but im really pissed that it happened. Mr. G told us that we were gonna ride with the football players over to Grosse Pointe North. So, the bus ride over there was interresting first away game yay, lol. I dont want to do it again tho. Anyways it was fucking cold there and we danced and the sound system totally sucked ass cause GPN is a cheap school, way worse than sterling.
We left at half time cause it was just too damn cold. Drove back to sterling to get leaders car, and Me, Leader, Mazzenga, and Deneen were foolin around in the parkinglot, blasting music between the two cars. So we were yelling and dancing and what not and all of a sudden this red car pulls out from being parked, yells out "FUCK STERLING" and starts to burn out of the parkinglot. Then at the same time me and deneen screamed out "FUCK YOU!" and they donuted around and it looked like they were gonna come back and kick our asses, but then they just sped off. **me and deneen think they might have something to do with the field**
My Birthday Is Tomorrow :D!