Jan 12, 2011 14:47
So, I was wondering what people liked reading on here. Yes, yes, I'm taking it as a given 99% of you are DC fans (I'm sorry, Final Fantasy and Tortall). I was just looking back at some of my best received fics and it was surprising - Mother Morningbird, Writing Letters, Amazing Grace (Reverend Todd), and the Home Series.
Only one of those is a pairing fic!
So, I wanted to know what you guys enjoy most! Is it Jason? Is it a certain style of writing? If you could note which fic I've written you remember enjoying most, that's also a big help. Title's aren't important, a quick 'And I remember the one where....' is enough.
Also, if there's something I haven't written you'd be interested in, that'd be great. This is totally the place to mention what stories you'd like to see more of or mention an idea you'd like to see me give a try.
Thanks everyone!
writing: journal