
Oct 17, 2010 17:54

 I've been thinking about taking a fandom break for awhile now; It's nothing about being tired of DC comics or anything of the sort. I simply started as an original author and that has always been my goal. It's coming up on the anniversary of my brother's death and, if nothing else, Andrew's choice puts things in perspective. Writing is  my passion; it it's time I start training myself to build my worlds instead of playing in others'.

I know a few of you are familiar with my Archangel series and after some recent developments, I finally feel ready to throw myself into an ocean of my own making.

I don't know if I'll be posting any of my original work online; it is aimed for publication and as much as I appreciate encouragement, I'm at an experimenting point where I can no longer care what direction people think this character or that should take. It's time I took my own ideas in the directions I feel they should go.

This is not good bye, I know many of you are excited about my 'Take Me Home' series and there may very well be fic updates between now and my fandom return, but for the next few months fan fiction will not be my goal.

So, I leave you here to enjoy yourselves while I fumble my way through eight years of pirates, monsters, magic, spandex, and the occasional shaved cat.

writing: fan fiction

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