OOC Permissions!

May 02, 2019 15:09

Threadjacking/threadhopping?: yeshyesh
4th-walling?: Absolutely~
Backtagging: yepyep, though I'm kind of a slow tagger anyway so. >3>
Fighting/maiming?: YESSSS she loves a good fight. I'm kind of expecting her to get hurt from her lack of self preservation so. Please contact me about it first though!
Death?: Same as above!
Kissing/hugging/badtouching/etc?: You can try! Being silly, she might move out of the way in true danmaku dodging fashion. And she's not opposed to affection at all. If anything, I'd advise YOUR character to watch their backs around HER.
Relationships: Koishi... uhh, it's hard for her to actually get attached to people. I think at best, she could make some friends, but true loooove and romance is out of the question. Canonically, she's neither hated or loved by anyone as a consequence of closing her third eye. HOW THAT WORKS HERE I DON'T KNOW BUT
Also!! Mindreading: No go. Koishi's heart is closed, and that makes it somehow so that no one can read her mind. Have fun trying to figure her out!

For plotting, IM me. BI

this is what's allowed

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