12th Subterranean Rose ~ Passing Time in Dreams

Sep 18, 2010 20:46

[Oh hey, it's that one girl again. Looks like she's left the communicator sitting next to her. She's also sleeping! Or trying to sleep, anyway. It looks quite cute ohwaitwhatisthatshitoverthere.

Behind her, you can see several odd, glowing vines which seem to be... 'sprouting' from the floor and walls. They linger for a few seconds before vanishing into nothing, leaving behind a greenish light that quickly fades away. At the same time, other lights are floating about in the air, some in white, and some in yellow. In a odd way, it seems peaceful. Or maybe you're just trippin' on something because whoa what.

They don't stick around for long though, as Koishi starts to stir and sit up - at which all of the pretty vines and lights simultaneously vanish. She doesn't seem to have noticed any of it, as minutes seem to go by, and all she does is stare at the wall with a dazed kind of expression. Then she suddenly yawns and looks elsewhere, and slumps back down.]

... ehhh, this late already? [Sniffling a little bit.] What a long nap.

feels bad man, video, sleep danmaku...ing, wait what, haet staying inside, cute em up, you're lucky it's not her other power, unconsciously showing off, chip out

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