Feb 10, 2005 20:34
Lets see here Monday was Carl & I's 9 months but he stayed home sick because I guess that he had the flu or whatever. So I couldn't see him. Tuesday: Carl once again stayed home sick. I had a concert to go to anyways at 7 with with kiddies. Wed: Carl went back to school and he had a lot of homework so he did all of that and then got online and told me that he was going to the mall for a little bit. Then I just sat around and did whatever. We didn't end up going to church for ash wed. we just had to give something up for lent which I gave up popcorn and then we had to not snack for the entire night which was hard for me because I usually snack all the time because I am just that type of person. Thurs: I guess that I am not seeing Carl till Valentine's day since he is sick with a wicked nasty cold and a runny nose and he didn't want to get me sick either. I was looking forward to tomorrow but I guess that I will just have to wait to see my lover ohhh well thats life for you. Well I got an e-mail from build-a-bear and I have a group interview at 5:30 on Wed. the 16th which hopefully I do well at so that I can get a job too! I am hoping that at least I do somewhat of a good job because I am not good when it comes to group inteviews so if I get the job it will just be pure luck and hopefully we can bring Sara up with me too because she is going to the interview with me as well. This weekend I have to work on my US History/Government reasearch paper and get most if not then all my notecards done so that I can spend Valentine's day with my lover of course instead of staying home and working on notecards. That is it for my update..Come back later to see if I updated again..Until the next update..Toodles!
<3 forever