(no subject)

Sep 28, 2005 13:52

In the last 24 Hours have you...

1. Had sex: no

2. Bought something: drinks

3. Gotten sick: yesterday morning

4. Sang: yeh

5. Been kissed: Yes

6. Ate something: very little actually

7. Felt stupid: yeh

8. Talked to an ex: yeh,take ur pick at them!

9. Missed someone: so much

Last person who....

1. Slept/ layed in your bed with u: cheryl

2. Saw you cry: everyone yesterday
3. Made you cry: gary
4. Went to the movies with: andy

5. You went to the mall with: andy

Have You Ever...

1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: yeh

2. Got in a fight with your pet: i used to wen he was sill around
3. Been to New York: No

4. Been to Mexico: No

5. Been to Canada: No

7. Been to Europe: yeh

1. Do you have a crush on someone: andy

2. What book are you reading now: pip and trainspotting...i  dont wanna finish pip its shit!

3. Worst feeling in the world: missing sumone and not being able to do anything about it

4. Future KIDS names: i like taylor and dillon and morgan

5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: barney my hedgehog stays on my window shelf

6. What's under your bed: i dont dare to look
7. Favorite sports to watch: footi

8. Location: rathole

9. Piercing/Tattoos: 3 stars on my wrist an a few random piercings
10. Do you drink: you die in 7 days if you dont drink

11. What are you most worried about right now: i dont know,i feel kinda lost

12.Where do you want to get married: duno

13. Who do you really hate: justin ggr

14. Do you have a job: yep thomson holiays' bureau

15. Do you like being around people: yeh mosta the time still need space for myself tho

16. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: deffinatley
17. Have you ever cried: no i never cry...never ever

18. Are you lonely right now: yeh

19. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: good riddence...get it out get it out

20. Played strip poker: yeh in primary school!
22. Been drunk for more than 2 day straight: yeh in high school

23. Done an all-nighter: yeh
24. Been on radio/TV: i was on hospital radio wen my brother had meningitis

25. Been in a mosh-pit: yeh

26. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends: I do

27. Have u ever kissed someone of the same sex:yeh i got a tenner for it tho so its cool!

28. Are you in a relationship? yeh

29. What are you most excited about right now? nothin

.....another one.....

1. Do you still know/talk to your first best friend? na we had a big fight and i threw berries at her and she cried haha

2. What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?burn them

3.What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school? a bit of everything, loved greenday and ned music tho...is elementary high school btw?

4.What is the best thing about your current job? i had a stapiler

5. Do you wish cell phone ettiquette was a required class upon purchasing one? What?

6. Are you against marriage? not particularly

7. Why? Whats wrong with wanting to commit fully to the one person you love beyond all reason? what??

8. What's the most fucked up food combination you've come up with that's actually tasty?
peanut butter and marmite mmmmm

9. Have you been on a date in the past week? (or just slept with anyone?)
yes andy

10. If yes... How did it go, if no, why not?
wasnt really a proper one under circumstances but i felt better after seeing him
11. Where are you going on your next vacation?
egypt hopefully

12. Quote a song lyric, because I told you to!
"ive been waiting a long timefor this moment to come im destend for anything at all"
13. Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
new well bout 3 yrs old or less...that still class as new?i think so

15. Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
no i jus buy the hot dogs in there

16. Are you ashamed of having it?
hotdogs? hell no

17. What do you wish someone would buy you?

18. What do you think of hipsters?
i used to wear them to school back wen i was a ned

19. What are you wearing right now?
tshirt an shorties
20. When is the last time you had mom's home cookin'?
the other day shes lovely an keeps looking after me proper this week
21. Do you like your parents?

23. What state/country are you from?
Edinburgh, Scotland

24. Do you ever wish you were gay? Honestly, the thought has never even crossed my mind

25. Tell us about the last conversation you had.
i shouted to my mum could you change the channel please,she did very kindly

26. Where do you see yourself in one month?
same place
27. What is your favorite smell?
candles being blown out and some boys

28. Home Depot: pure evil or pure genius? huh
29. Do you consider yourself bi-polar?huh

30. What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment?
1422 and its cold i thik not ventured out yet

and number 2

Favorite Color: red
Favorite Food: pasta
Favorite Song: ever: greenday time of your life
Favorite Movie: nightmare b4 xmas!
Favorite Sport: bicycles
Favorite Season: spring
Favorite Day Of the Week: my day off
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: dont really like ice cream..too cold
Favorite Time of Day: 1127

9 Currents...
Current Mood: lost
Current Taste: toothpaste
Current Clothes: tshirt an shorties
Current Desktop Picture: me an gary.
Current Toenail Color: normal nail colour
Current Time: 1426
Current Surroundings: im in the kitchen
Current Annoyance(s): dunno.
Current Thought: why the fuck was she with john last night.

8 Firsts...
First Best Friend: kim taylor
First Kiss: glenn waddell
First Screen Name: no i dea
First Pet: sherbet the cat
First Piercing: ears
First Crush: bryan adams...or mibee the guy from neighbours that was with a twin...dman paul sumone
First Music: boyzone
First Car: baby ka

7 Lasts.....
Last Cigarette: last night
Last Drink: last night- dennis the menice
last Car Ride: does a taxi count?if so last night
Last Kiss: last night andy
Last Movie Seen: cat in the hat this morning
Last Phone Call:jilly last night.
Last CD Played: dookie yesterday morning

6 Have You Evers....
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends:yeh...all the time!
Have You Ever Broken the Law: yeh
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped:hehe yeh
Have You Ever Been on TV:yeh with john leslie!
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: yeh
Have You Ever Had Sex With Someone You Didin't Know : iv always known them....

5 Things....
5 Things You're Wearing: pants, thomson cruises t shirt, shorties, a ring....that is actually all
5 Things You've Done Today: watched a film txt ppl spoke to me maw changed tv channel and this crap thing
5 Things You Can Hear Right Now: computer buzzing, tv speaking, me blinking, me typing, sumtihng else dunno what it is tho
5 Things You Can't Live Without: friends music hugs air and apples
5 Things You Do When Your bored: sleep

4 Places You've Been To recently
1. bed
2. old orleans
3. mcgowans
4. jamies

3 People You Can Tell Anything To...
jill, lyn and well im recruiting a new one :(

2 Choices...
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: id preffer to b warm...

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