Quest Four: Pip-Boy Acquired

Jul 20, 2011 22:19

 [Seriously Mae is starting to hate this place. Messing with her mind all the time. She can't find a fail safe anywhere and she's homesick for the wasteland. THE WASTELAND. There is something wrong when you wish you were running away from a super-mutant camp. So she's not expecting much for today either. And then she see's the box by the mailbox. With her name on it.

And inside.. .....Pip-Boy Yes. Today you can find Mae:

A. Sitting on the lawn as she puts her Pip-Boy on her arm and starts to examine it.

B. She's sitting in the park. And while she was smiling before, now there are tears running down her face as she listens to a recording of some kind. There's a man's voice coming from the thing on her arm.]

"-I thought about it for a long time, but in the end I decided it was best for you not to know. So many things could have gone wrong and there's really no telling how the overseer will react when he finds out.-"

mood switch, i miss you so much, recordings, pip-boy

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