Quest One: Not this place again

Jun 11, 2011 19:02

 [Mae walks up in a bed. That alone is enough to set off alarm bells. She remembers very distinctly going to sleep last night, leaning against a half destroyed wall with a dog next to her. And considering how...well non destroyed the room was looking....

She very quickly snuck out of bed and started to look around the house. Grabbing a baseball bat from the small boy's room as she went. Never hurt to have a weapon when you've been kidnapped.  She looks outside.

......well this wasn't good. She quickly goes back inside and get's dressed, interogates some drones and locates the phone.]

Dr. Braun, if you're there. We need to talk because I'm pretty sure being back in this place is impossible considering everyone died last time.

[And with that she hangs up. She's sure if he is behind this...and who else would be? It's just like last time...though she admits it's ...different and slightly more impossible...that if he was behind it, he'd be calling back to gloat at any moment. Until then.

Mayfield there is a woman wandering around carrying a baseball bat like a weapon. You can find her.

A. On her lawn examining the grass, or her arm. They...feel more real then the simulation. But there's also colour here, so maybe it's just a tech upgrade.

B. Going through your mailbox or garbage can. Hey, who knows what valuables you might have thrown this bottle cap, score!

C. Interrogating young drone girls at the playground. Seriously, which one of you is in charge here?

D. Looking through windows of peoples houses to see if they're abandoned. Aka: where the hell is the failsafe to this place] 

companions are missing, this place again?, searching for a failsafe, hey no radiation!

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