
Oct 27, 2006 20:11

Ok, so Homecoming was fun.
We lost, oh well.
The dance was a blast!
I danced with everyone,
and afterwards we went to Jamies
and played capture the flag until 1:30am.

My classes are going ok.
Mr. Engle and AP US History DO NOT match,
it completly sucks balls!
MUN is going really good though.
We have Lesotho.

My birthday is in 4 days,
and I've been dating Aaron for almost a week.
I really like the kid!
Everyone says we look really good together,
including my folks.
Jamie even said if we have babies she'll buy one from me!

And tomorrow I'm going to a Halloween Party.
I'm gonna wear a Toga!
Aaron's gonna wear a scary clown suit...
bit nervous about that one,
but oh well.

But if nothing else,
at least my life is dramatic!

<3 Ariel
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