Title: School Day
Pairing: Hanchul, Simin, Zhoury, Kyusung, KRY, Kangteuk, Eunhae.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary: Short scenes with a day in class with little suju.
"Hi Chulie." Little Hangeng said as he walked into the classroom and took his seat by Heechul.
"You know, I really like being in our grade. No homework like my noona whines about all the time."
"Chulie, we do have a tiny bit of homework. We had some last night."
"Yeah, we had to draw four shapes and then Soo Man seonsaengnim is going to ask us to name them when we turn it in."
"We did? Can I copy yours?"
"Uh no…" Heechul sigh but pulled out a piece of paper and did the work quickly.
"There, finished. A circle, a star, a square, and a kitty." Little Heechul said pointing to each shape.
"Chulie, I don’t think that a kitty is a shape."
"Yes it is. Look over there." Heechul said as he pointed towards the bookshelf with an outline of a cat on the side. "What is the shape on the side."
"A kitty."
"See! It is a shape."
"Fine. But I’m not sure if seonsaengnim will like it."
"Well then you’ll just have to back me up."
"Do I have a choice?"
"Nope." Heechul laughed and ran off to show his homework off to Kibum.
"Hey Kibum, what are you making?" Little Shindong asked.
"A ninja, they're really cool. What are you making?"
"A bowl of rice. I'm hungry."
"You're always hungry. We're having snack time next."
"But I'm hungry now. I wonder what glue tastes like." Shindong asked, eyeing the bottle of glue in front of him.
"Don’t eat glue. Seonsaengnim says it's bad for you."
"But she eats glue." Shindong said pointing to the red headed foreign girl in the back corner.
"Well she's weird and doesn't listen to seonsaengnim."
"Kibum, seonsaengnim says it's not nice to call people weird."
"Why? Heechul is weird but still my friend. I don't know how it's bad."
"I don't know but that's what teacher said." Both shrugged and went back to their work. "My bowl of rice looks so yummy. I want to eat it. It’s made of macaroni and that's food."
"You can't eat it. Seonsaengnim can't see it if you eat it."
"Can I eat your ninja then? Ninja hide from people so you can tell teacher you made such a good ninja that it hid like a real one."
"NO! My ninja and I want teacher to see him." Kibum moved his macaroni
Ninja away from Shindong and worked with his back turned for the rest of art class.
"Alright kids, you can grab your snacks now." Soo man seonsaengnim announced. Little Siwon went through his bag, only to find that his omma forgot to put his snack in. Little Sungmin noticed and walked over to Siwon.
"What's wrong Siwonie?"
"My omma forgot my snack this morning."
"Oh, well my omma packed me a bunch of the apples I helped he cut last night. We can share them. I even have peanut butter to go with them."
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be hungry later cause I took half of your snack."
"I can’t eat all of this, so eat." Sungmin said holding out a piece of apple in front of Siwon’s mouth. Siwon opened his mouth and let Sungmin feed him the piece.
"Ah it’s so yummy."
"I know. Eat some with the peanut butter. It makes it even yummier." He grabbed the small container full of peanut butter and passed it over to the taller. He then took his piece of apple and dipped it in the peanut butter and ate it while giving Siwon a big smile. Siwon copied the other with another piece.
"It is yummy. I need to tell my omma to pack it for me next time." Sungmin smile got even bigger as he nodded furiously at the idea. The two continued to eat and chat about random shows on TV and Sungmin made sure Siwon got an equal amount of apples.
"If you forget your snack again, I’ll share. Omma always packs me a lot." Sungmin said before running off.
"Mimi, do you want to read with me?" Little Henry said going over to Zhoumi’s seat.
"Yeah. You can pick the book today, since I picked yesterday." Henry smiled and grabbed a book off the shelf.
"We can take turns reading the pages again. I’ll start." Henry began to slowly work through the first page of the picture book and Zhoumi continued on the next page. "He is my…Uh Mimi do you know what that word is?" Henry asked pointing to the word in the book. Little Zhoumi looked over and shrugged.
"No. Seonsaengnim says to sound out the word first."
"Hmmm. Ba…eh…st…fi…ri…eh...n…d…I still don’t know. Seonsaengnim!"
"Yes, Henry?"
"What’s this word? I tried sounding it out like you said but I still don’t know."
"It’s best-friend. You know what a best friend is, right?"
"Yup. A best friend is Zhoumi." Henry said and leaned over and wrapped his arms around Zhoumi’s neck to give him a hug.
"Zhoumi is your best friend?"
"Yup. My best friend in the whole wide world."
"And Henry is my bestest friend in the world." Mimi said returning the hug as both smiled.
"Very good boys. It’s good to have a best friend." Soo Man pats both kids on the head before going to help some of the other kids.
"Hyukie! I saved you a seat!" Little Donghae shouted at Eunhyuk as he walked into the cafeteria.
"Thanks Hae." Little Eunhyuk said as he took the seat. He set his lunch out on the table and traded some of it with Donghae.
"So we’re going to beat Junsu and Yoochun at soccer today, right?"
"Yeah. Just like we did yesterday." Both laughed and then Donghae got up to grab something from a classmate sitting at another table. When he left, Eunhyuk watched him, taking his attention away from his lunch and Heechul took the chance to take the other’s bottle of strawberry milk. Eunhyuk turned back around to find his strawberry milk missing. "Where did my strawberry milk go?" Heechul giggled and Hangeng just sat there rolling his eyes at his friend’s actions. "Heechul, give me back my strawberry milk."
"Who said I have it?"
"But you’re laughing at me and you guys are the only other ones here right now."
"Nope. You can’t prove it." Heechul stuck his tongue out at the other, making him even more upset.
"DONGHAE! HEECHUL STOLE MY STRAWBERRY MILK!" He shouted as the other was making his way back to the table.
"Heechul, give Hyukie back his strawberry milk. You’re gonna make him cry."
"Just do it Chulie." Hangeng said and Heechul sighed, retrieving the bottle from the seat next to him.
"Here, Hyukie."
"Thanks Hae." Eunhyuk said wiping the tears that started to form away from his eyes and hugging Hae.
"Do you want to play with me and Ddangkoma, Kyuhyunie?"
"No thanks, Yesung. I’m going to go play over there today with some of the others."
"Okay. We’ll be here if you want to come back." Little Kyuhyun waved by to Yesung before running off to play with some of the others on the other side of the playground. "It’s just you and me, Ddangkoma." He said to his little turtle in the sand. After a while Yesung heard a shout come from the other side of the playground and instantly stood up. "That’s sounded like Kyunie, come on Ddangkoma." He grabbed the little turtle and placed him in his shirt pocket and ran off towards the shout.
"Leave me alone!" Little Yesung heard Kyuhyun shout at some of the older kids who were picking on him.
"Go away. Try picking on someone your own size. Or are you big kids only tough enough to pick on little kids?" Yesung shouted making the big kids angry with him.
"Look it’s the turtle boy and he thinks he’s tough." One said getting a laugh from the others. Yesung pushed the boy away when he was standing right in from of him and managed to push him into a couple of the other kids. They were about to hit Yesung back when a couple seonsaengnims came over and took them away. Yesung helped Kyuhyun up off of the ground and wiped away the tears that were falling.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, but I cut my arm when they pushed me down. It hurts a lot. Thanks for protecting me."
"How about we go to the nurse’s office. She’ll make it all better. And I’ll always protect you Kyuhyunie." Yesung said and walked Kyuhyun to the nurse’s office to take care of the cut.
"Kyuhyun, I wanted to be next to Yesung." Little Ryeowook whined as Kyuhyun set out his napping mat next to Yesung’s.
"Well so do I and I got here first."
"That’s not fair."
"What’s not fair?" Yesung asked sitting down on his mat.
"Kyuhyun took my spot. I wanted to be next to you." Yesung sighed and moved Kyuhyun against the wall, where he was originally placed.
"There. I’ll be in the middle and then you two both can be next to me."
"But you like to be by the wall." Kyuhyun said.
"It’s fine. I’ll sleep here." Happy with the arrangement, Ryeowook set up his mat and laid down to take his nap.
"Thank you Yesung." Ryeowook said before curling up and going to sleep. Yesung made sure he was comfortable before lying down, facing Kyuhyun.
"Does your arm still hurt?" Yesung whispered, so not to wake the other kids.
"No. You were right, the nurse made it all better."
"That’s good. I was worried that it might hurt still. Hey be nice to Wookie, the three of us are best friends and you can let him sleep next to me sometimes."
"Sure Yesung. Or we can just sleep like this for the rest of the year." Both giggled before falling asleep.
"Leeteuk, would you like to go next?" Soo Man seonsaengnim asked little Leeteuk.
"Uh...yeah." He answered shyly and stood up hiding his item for show and tell behind his back as he moved to the front. "I want to share my stuffed animal raccoon, Youngwoonie."
"A stuffed animal? Really?" Someone asked making Leeteuk even shyer about sharing.
"Yeah. He’s really, really important to me. Kangin gave him to me last year for my birthday." Leeteuk turned red and shied away. Little Kangin got up and stood next to Leeteuk.
"Yup. I got it for his birthday last year. Since we are best friends and I am Korea’s number 1 raccoon so I got him a raccoon." He announced proudly.
"Yah, how can a little kid like you be Korea’s number 1 anything."
"I can be whatever I want, Heechul."
"Alright you two, be quiet and let Teukie finish."
"I think Kangin said a lot of it. He is to be a second Kangin for me, even if I get lonely I have Youngwoon to make me all better."
"Thank you Teukie. Kangin do you want to go now?"
"Yeah." Kangin quickly jumped right back up to the front of the room and excitedly showed the glass his angel. "This is my angel Jungsu. Just like I got the raccoon for Teukie, he got me this little angel for me. He was nervous when he gave it to me, which makes it even more special." Kangin walked over to Leeteuk and made him stand up and gave him a big hug.
"Alright kids, gather your things and we’ll head out for you to meet with your parents to go home." Soo Man announced as everyone was packing up. Once ready He lead the class outside and made sure everyone found their parents.
"So you’re coming over tomorrow, Kibum, right? Hannie is staying the night too." Heechul asked.
"Yup, omma says she’ll drop me off after lunch. Bye Heechul, Hangeng." The three all waved bye as their ommas’ took them home.
"Omma, Yesung saved me from a bunch of big kids today! Oh and can I stay over at his house tonight. Both Wookie and I want to have a sleep over and Yesung’s omma said it was okay." Kyuhyun’s omma nodded and Kyuhyun ran back to tell the other two the good news.
"Okay, be over after dinner then Kyunie. Same for you Wookie." Yesung said before leaving.
"Siwon, omma said that you have to come home with us today since your parents are busy at work." Sungmin said as Siwon was looking around for his parents.
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah she said they got held back at work. She said we have more apples and peanut butter that we can snack on at home." Sungmin dragged Siwon back to his omma and started walking home.
"Bye guys. We’re going home now." Eunhyuk and Donghae said waving bye to Shindong, Kangin and Leeteuk.
"Bye Shindong, Kangin is leaving with me too. See you Monday." Teukie said as he left with Kangin.
A/N: Random idea with my friends. I hope you like them.
Comments loved^^