Title: Storm of Memories
Pairing: Kyusung
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I'm from Ohio...not too many hot korean idols to own or make money of off. So do you think I'm doing that with these boys?...didn't think so
Summary: Memories of each other pour down like a raging storm.
A/N: Kyuhyun is in regular font, Yesung is bold, and memories are italics.
Storm of Memories )
this is great! not too cheesy and not too sad, just right!
more please?
I had three different ways this story could've gone and talking to a friend, she said I couldn't make it too angsty, so I'm glad it turned out just right. ^^
More? What more? You don't want a sequel do you?
but i was talking about more fics from you..:))
Oh, well I'm working on that, but I just write whatever pops into my head. but I have a hard time writting most of the time which is why light even in shadows takes so long to update. even if I work to write it as much as I can.
But if you ever have a request for me I'll be will to see if I can come up with something for it. (though I am pairing picky)...so feel free to ask anytime. even in a comment.
i'll do if i come up with anything that i want to read. thank you!! :))
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