Genre: Shoujo, comedy, drama, romance, smut
Status: 9 volumes [ongoing]
Groups Scanlating: Noir
The stage is set in the prestigious Private Joshi (girls) Oka High School, more commonly known as Joshi High. It became co-educational a few years ago, but females still heavily outnumber the males. So small is the number of men that it could be easily counted. While one would think guys would be pampered in such a harem school, the reality is far from heavenly. It is the world of female domination (Baka update)
volume 01 :
Mediafire volume 02 :
Mediafire volume 03 :
Mediafire volume 04 :
Mediafire volume 05 :
Megaupload volume 06 :
Mediafire LQ; Thanks to star_spirit39 for uploading
volume 07 :
Mediafire : In Chinese
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