♥10. stars shining bright above you

Jun 10, 2011 22:29

Under the cut:-
  • Summer, summer, summer!
  • Last day of high school )8

✈ Hi, everybody ♥ When was the last time I actually posted here? lol I can't even remember. I was busy with school for the past few months (even though I was lurking around) but now I'm free! I finished my IGCSE, don't know if I'll get the grades I want since I pretty much fucked my main Physics paper but hopefully I did well on the others *_*

Since school's out I'll be writing more. Completing requests and such lol. I'll also revamp my lj! Already changed the layout so all I have to do is replace the icons~ I'll be flailing more too xD Catch up on what I've missed with JUMP like YanYan and I'll maybe download a few mag scans~ Gonna be here more often to comment on entries and such :3

✈ Since today was the last day of school, it was also the last day of my high school life. Ahh, how I'll miss it. My friend and I gave a gift to out other friend who's leaving and she almost cried ): It's so sad T_T Everyone hugged each other and we all wished the best for the future. Hopefully in 5 or 10 years we'll all meet again and reminisce on all the good days when we thought high school was hard xD

✈ So how's everyone over here doing? I missed you guys ♥

I'm so sleepy )8 Gonna get some sleep (well, a lot actually xD) and do whatever that doesn't involve studying tomorrow xD

party time!, forever forever, rants!, my f-list is awesome ♥

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