Sweating in a suit...

May 20, 2007 23:45


So I had an interview on Friday.
For a position at a Catholic grammar school, the job would be teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade English Literature and Writing as well as Religion and Vocabulary to my homeroom. First off, I was so dang excited just to be called and granted an interview, the principal was very nice and seemed to like me (!) However,I would also be taking a pretty sizable paycut if offered the position but honestly, I do not care because I would be doing what I want to do. I don't want to get carried away because I won't know until the end of the month (which is about two weeks away...) but it was just a nice exciting step in the direction I want to be going towards. We shall see...

Ed graduated from college (yay!) and I'm so proud of him. I stupidly got sunburned during the ceremony and I look wicked redneck now, ugh. Also, of course I would be the girl who shops for hours looking for the perfect girlfriend-of-the-graduate dress getting agitated in dressing rooms only to find one and wake up the morning of the big day with the security tag still attached to the dress!!! So I spent the entire day with the tag wedged beneath my armpit. Thankfully, since I hate my arms, I had purchased a little sweater to wear over it and my oddity remained concealed. I was of course the joke of the day as per usual. Thank God there were no metal detectors to get in.

Tomorrow summer hours start, so I need to be at work at 8:30 and we don't leave until 5:00--it sounds fine but it's torturous after months of 8:45-4:30 schedule...oh well, at least every Friday I'm out at 12:30--whoot! With any luck I will be trading my cubicle for a classroom come September!

I'm off to watch Superman. Sweet dreams.
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