"If you walk out on me, walking after you....."

Sep 28, 2018 17:02

And what was his best friend doing during this painful period?
"Whatever I was doing, I wasn't so furiously busy that I wasn't able to get on a motorcycle and find m'colleague. Which I did, but by that time he was in France - it wasn't a great piece of detective work, but eventually I tracked him down there. I got on my motorcycle and I rode to France, and spent about a week with him, he'd borrowed someone's flat. Obviously I was extremely concerned - who wasn't ? It was an absolutely calamitous thing, and nobody won, nobody got anything good from it. I remember just looking at all the broken pieces... ."

Stephen adds: " That is the final soupy twist to the story, you might say...Hugh was so kind, and totally understanding, all the qualities a true friend has. There was none of that 'Let's sit down and discuss it', it was just easy. we spoke about things when we needed to, and otherwise just went for walks and laughed, and it was just the most helpful and wonderful thing. ...."

Jem Roberts
"Soupy Twists" page 236-237
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