Just stuff

Jul 05, 2006 09:07

So I've been trying to get better about working out at least 5 days a week. Been averaging about 4. But I got my treadmill last week, so I am hoping that will make it easier. So far this week:

Sunday - 20 minutes treadmill
Monday - 45 minutes treadmill
Tuesaday - 30 minutes Cardio kickbox dvd.

Ok, so I got the Jillian Michaels Biggest Winner Cardio Kickbox DVD last. It is the best workout dvd i've ever done. I was so sweaty afterwards. (I only wish it was a longer workout) It had a lot of the stuff we do at the studio, so I liked that.


So between this new dvd that I love and my treadmill I am hoping to start averaging 6 days a week instead of only 4.

Other stuff, last night we had our annual fireworks. michelle said coming up Beartown hill she could see them! So I was kind of nervous someone would see them and turn us in or a cop would see them and someone would get arrested. Steve said it was a good display. He had a lot. Some he bought down south, so he bought from "a source" up here. I had to stay in the house with Josh, he woke up and was freaking out. That was okay actually, I got to kick back and read while I snuggled him, so I didnt' mind.

So back to the normal every day today. I have got to get this auction paper work done. and I am going to take the kids to the library because it is rainy and nasty out. So hopefully we can find something for everyone and they won't go too stir crazy being inside.
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