Nov 03, 2004 01:47
this is fuckin bullshit. if cleveland, the POOREST city in the country, votes for bush, and kerry loses because of THAT, i am getting the fuck out of here. i cannot believe how warped peoples minds are, and how this fucking religious right psycho party has brainwashed people into voting on "moral values" what the fuck is that? what about OUR LIVES?
people better start fucking thinking, because 4 more years of bush is something i cannot imagine.
i'm afraid....for my rights not only as a WOMAN but as an american citizen.
oh, and now we can welcome some more psycho right wingers to the senate, even more than we had before, who believe that gays shouldnt teach in schools, and single unwed mothers shouldnt teach either....
oh, and abortion should just be banned altogether. no questions, because its really good to turn back the clock to the year 1900.
extreme christianty can be as equally destructive as extreme islam. this is so fucked up.
hillary, i need you.