Jan 04, 2003 22:25
so finally turn 19 eh?
can ya tell where i went eh?
yeah thats right, i went to canada, eh?
haha jk!
but its pretty sweet.
i can drink there
we got searched on the way there
cause adam didnt have his birth certificate
but its ok...it was funny
i got to stand out in the cold with no coat
boarder patrol people are bossy and rude
what i got for my birthday
birthday wishes from important people
some people forgot..but what are you gonna do :o\
and the best yet...
a trip to the bahamas...
can anyone beat that birthday present?
i dunno...it'd be hard
anyways...i leave wednesday the 8th
so that means
4 days...
woo hoo!
then next month i go on my cruise
woo hoo!
well im outta here...
im at slims right now
imma head home
see ya!