If anybody wanted to get me something for Christmas and is at a loss for what...
http://www.wbshop.com/catalog/product.xml?product_sku=HPGTBDHG&AID=10280984&PID=1634126&referral_id=CJPhttp://www.wbshop.com/catalog/product.xml?product_sku=HPGTTSSW&AID=10280984&PID=1634126&referral_id=CJP Or...if you're feeling really generous...
http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore?snape=y&siteID=WnonsUp0PKs-tM8UCf3Ssm615atinfg23w Of course I'm just teasing about that last one. Though I think I would possibly kill to own it, but not spend $300 for it yet.
Two rooms picked up. Two more to go. Then Swiffering and mopping and scrubbing the tub and sinks. A swiffer is a necessity in an apartment with wood floors. Sweeping does hardly anything :-P Cleaning in general sucks. I've also finished a couple of pages for my site. It's up, but you may very well not find it. I'm going about things kinda backwards. I'm doing all of the sub-site stuff first, and then putting the main page up once they're all done.
I need to pick just a couple things up from the store, but I think I'm going to wait until Dan gets home to see if he wants to go with. I want to get a pumpkin and I want him to help pick it out if he wants to go :-D