Apr 02, 2006 03:18
I've gone on a bizarre song downloading spree.
Not bizarre like "shaniqua" or "Chewbacca" but songs that have actual merit but I don't normally listen to.
Fo example, "Moon River" Not the Andy Williams version either, the Henry Mancini, Breakfast at Tiffany's verson.
Also, If you can find it, download "Tale of the Rain and the Moon" by Geoff Byrd. It's a little obscure, but MSN music sells it if you can't find it anywhere else (Alas, my beloved iTunes does not sell it).
Anyways, back to "Moon River", downloading it inspired me to look up the AFI 100 best in film lists. Here are my comments.
Best movies
No 2. Casablanca
...This made me download "As time goes by"...2 versions, actually, the Sinatra version and the Henry Mancini one. It's big night for me and Henry Mancini.
...While Many people here Casablanca and think "here's looking at you kid", I think "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she had to walk into mine" Probably because I enjoy thinking about life as one long series of random events where our reaction to said random events define who we are.
No. 4 Gone with the Wind
...God, I love Vivien Leigh, that random, I know, but seriously, she rocks.
No. 6 The Wizard of Oz
...My favorite version of "Over the Rainbow" is by Eva Cassidy, I want it played at my wedding as my first dance.
...Plus, how scary was the Wicked Witch when we were little. Seriously, she scared the hell outta me. Now looking at her, not so scary, probably because of Wicked.
No. 15 Star Wars
...You may think it looks ridiculous now, you might mock the acting in the orginals, the acting in the prequels, the stiff dialouge, the lack of Yoda. But, think back to the first time you ever saw this movie, how magical it seemed. There were giant aliens, lightsabers, an epic battle scene, and ordianry people doing extraordinary things....IN SPACE! (I actually just sent my application for the dork hall of fame in, no need to be concerned, I know my place)
No. 25 E.T.
...ET scared the shit out of me when I was little. My brothers had these stuffed ETs that were absolutely terrifying.
...Who didn't try the thermometer on the lightbulb trick when they were younger because of this movie.
No. 35 To Kill a Mockingbird
...I want to name my first son Arthur Radley (whatever his last name is going to be). is that weird?
No. 41 West Side Story
...I wish people still solved their problems by dancing together in the street. The world would be so much more peaceful
No. 45 A Streetcar named Desire
...Again, Vivien Leigh is amazing. Brando didn't suck either.
No. 48 Jaws
..."we're gonna need a bigger boat." FUCKING SCARY AS HELL!!!!!!!!!! I wouldn't swin in the ocean for years after this movie, it still plays in the back of my mind when i get in the water. I know it's unlikely, but still, I would be that person who gets eaten by a Great White.
No. 58 Fantasia
...You can't buy just "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" on iTunes, all the good versions require you to buy the whole album, errrr
No 62. Tootsie
...If you have not seen this movie, rent it and watch it, it's hysterical. To this day one of the funniest man dressing up as a woman movies ever.
No. 68 An American in Paris
...My mom is named after Leslie Caron. We actually watched this recently, Gene Kelly really was brilliant.
No. 71 Forrest Gump
...This is my favorite movie. He gives away his Medal of Honor, aw.
No. 72 Ben Hur
...Every Easter we used to watch this. It was like a staple.
No. 91 My Fair Lady
...This is my favorite musical.
No. 95 Pulp Fiction
...Samuel L. Jackson kicks all kinds of ass. I will see Snakes on a Plane just because he is in it.
100 Years 100 Stars
I'm skipping this. There isn't really any debate about these, and nothing I can say, except that, again, I love Vivien Leigh, and Lion in Winter was Katherine Hepburn's best role.
100 years 100 villians/heroes
...There is no doubt in my mind that number 1 on the heroes list, Atticus Finch is absolutely 100% correct. But that could be just that Harper Lee's story is one of my favorite, and Gregory Peck owned Atticus.
...I have a problem with Erin Brockowich being on this list at all, but to have her be above Moses, unacceptable.
...To further justify that the wicked witch of the west was scary, she's number 4, behind Hannibal Lector, Norman Bates and Darth Vader.
100 years 100 movie songs
...Moon River is #4.
...As Time goes by is #2
...Over the rainbow is #1
...And I just downloaded when you wish upon a star...and I'm crying...shit.
...The way we were, good movie, better song
...Wind Beneath my wings was originally from Beaches? who knew?
...The rainbow connection...Yes!