Feb 23, 2004 16:52
tam your email is over its limit
but this is for you!
my mom is at mardi gras for the week, she left on thursday and she has been planning this vacation for two years.
so my moms in mardi gras and on saturday my sister shows up at my dads house. understand it is an 8 hour drive from new york and she just hopped on into her car and randomly shows up. so my dad and i are a little skeptical because she's usually not like this. so my dad is being really cool and shit but he wants me to talk to my sister and see what the deal is. so i go out for coffee with her and she tells me that she's really lonely and she hates the house she lives at because its dirty and they let the dogs and cats shit in the house (aparently this is true too! my dad confirmed it!) she really likes the people but she doesnt have any friends and she is lonely. she said that she wanted to drive down to florida. she said she wanted a boyfriend. yatayatatat. anyways so i bought her a pair of shoes and said id call her at 10 ish.
so ten oclock i call and shes not home and my dad said she went out with friends but he's gonna go to sleep. so the next day at about noon hes like becca still hastn come home but she took your moms car.
so we still dont hear from her we call all her friends and the hospitals and nothing. so its about 8 oclock about 22 hours since we last saw her and we call the police and file a missing person report. i told him about how she wanted to go to florida and the police officer was like well thast probably where she is. so my dads like having a nervous breakdown but still being pretty cool. so we decide to tell my mom and we find out that her credit card (which she gave to my sister for emergencys only) has been last used in fucking north carolina.
so finally at 8 oclock my sister calls and is like hey whats up im in georgia ( a 23 hour drive) so my dads all like oh cool are u having fun awesome are you lost you gonna come home i miss you yata yata yata. hes being all cool figuring she wont come home if hes a bastard. so he is all like hope you haev fun! then my mom calls her and (oh ya becca didnt take her cell phone so we couldnt call her until she checked in to a motel) and my mom is like tweaking out. i tlodl my mom to be cool and not tell rebecca that shes gonna slice her head off and eat it for dinner but my mom kinda got all creepy and was like "okay becca sweetie i miss you sweetie i hope your okay so sweetie how are you" and my sister was all wierded out and knew my mother was faking it so she freaks out on my mom who goes MENTAL.....like oh shit nervous breakdown ....everybody hangs up and my sister books it out of the motel, which causes my mom to go even more nuts. anyways about an hour later she checked back in
then i called becca this morning and she was all like i wanted to call you so badly but i forgot your nubmer and i told her to have fun asked her what she was up to told her she was welcome to crash at my house (because i moved out like 8 months ago and i live in a house in allston) so shes all like i bought you an ashtray and im gonna go to florida hit the border and turn around. so shes gonna crash in virigina today and than come home.
but still it my mom is like loosing her mind my dad must be on drugs and i got the day off of work because my sister is a psycho like me!!!!!!!