May 09, 2003 22:54
agiht. let me describe my week starting on ...i dunno....thursday.
Thursday: went to lunch with my roomate and a recruiter for DINNER DATES. an escort service where your average (rich desperate horny)business man can take your average (hooker) girl like my roomate to dinner for a mere fee of $500 and up.
and at the (hooker) escorts disercion, she may or may not go back to a hotel room with said business man and offer him other services at whatever price she feels like charging him
so this man had met her at the strip club the night before and asked to lunch. she agreed and brought me along as a third wheel.
he took us to seafood and i ordered
a lobster
a large order of steamed musceles
french fries.
yea i hit him up.
anyways he was pretty cool and claims to have slept with a variety of porn stars.
oddly enough he was a really chilled out, nice guy.
who paid for a lobster lunch with NO problems
ill continue with the weekend later.