A day in the life of Styopka

Sep 16, 2005 15:49

So Tanya drops of her kitty about two weeks ago. I knew this would be a great study on animal behavior! I whipped out the cam and went snap happy, great practice in photography as well. I think my skills are better?? Here are the results.

well actually, the first two are of volki being an idiot..I caught him eating flowers!

Styopka hiding. Scared shitless and growling.

Then they moved into the bedroom. I liked the lighting

Volki attacked, Stokpka is freaked out. Volki was really playing but all styopka could really tell was
this huge grey big thing was jumping at him. Poor guy.

I distracted volki so the poor bugger could get a head start but all
he could do was duck if you could see his little peering eyes ;)

I had to give volki a good talk about beign nice to our visitors and not being such a bully. ( don't worry i acutally didn't but it just looks like it.) Man these pictures aren't helping my crazy cat lady image are they??

There were moments of quiet but still he was quite freaked out and always lookign behind him making sure no one was sniffing around.

that was just genius cam work. I got the tongue!

Moments pass, and styopka starts getting empowered simply by being on a chair. Must be a height thing..I should get a chair if that's what happens :)

But on the scratching post, volki ruled the house. IT was down right dangerous lettign S near him at those times. So we put S bed and post in the bathroom and let him have a moment of peace by himself. After letting them out they did abit more fighting ...then..

Just couldn't keep their eyes open. They both collapsed into a coma.

I dont know, it must have been the sleeping together that created a bond between them, but next thing you knew, I checked in the bathroom and there they were together..I dont know, I think they just figured out what each of their roles were in teh house..big cat..little cat. And begrudgingly accepted it. Still though, volki got the bed, styop got the cold bathtub.

A day later, we moved volki's bed into the bathroom too and from that day on, these two buggers are inseperable. THey do EVERYTHING together.
And they lived happily ever after.
Long live love
The end.

