Hello gorgeous people! How was your weekend? Nia and I have both been out and about so the second installment is a little late. Never fear though, there lies awesome ahead of you. Come and chat with us and show us what you have been loving this past month. Once again, thank you for being the best watchers in the world ♥
fuuurs @
aquatilitis (
N I A → icons
So this is going to sound kinda weird, but I swear it's a compliment. When I love an icon maker/their icons, I am obviously flooded with jealousies and envies. However, there are a few makers out there that make me (wait for it), swear. I KNOW, I KNOW. WEIRD. Really, I only swear when I'm super upset or super excited. I'm assuming the reason I am tempted to go FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF or GDI whenever I see a post by Anja is a little of both. Super excited because HELLO, beautiful icons but also rage because afkahlahfal jealousies! I'm not even lying when I say when I first stumbled across her icons, I'd go back multiple times a week just to browse through the pretty. Everything is dripping in creativity. The part of her graphics that probably make swear most is her text use. Like really... is she srs. I have no words. Well, some but this is a family show community. Just like Lady Gaga (a person she icons frequently) has her own style and is her own person, Anja is the exact same way. Go join! ♥
wildpages @
S A R A → icons
Nia and I spent quite a long time fighting over this lovely person and who would get to praise her. I WON >:] Garance is seriously the master of Doctor Who icons, look at them! I haven't seen anyone else in the fandom who makes such perfect icons. They might look simple and effortless but you can tell that she puts a lot of time and talent into them. Everytime she posts I go ASDFGHJKL, do a little dance and then I'm speechless once I see what's actually inside. IT'S LIKE CHRISTMAS ALL THE TIME. I'm super jealous of the way Ga uses light, blending and text. The posts that she made for 20inspirations have been so brilliant and when it comes time to 'vote,' I just want to choose all of them. Her icons make me want to watch shows that I previously didn't have any interest in purely so I can upload her icons. Besides from being one of the best iconmakers, Ga is also one of the qtest nerds that I have ever met ♥
→ resources
two-percentThe amount of times I can sneak this into an icon is ridic. Lighten or screen are my favorites, I use the blue regularly but also adjust the color whenever necessary. Definitely adds fun effects to icons.
planets-bend-between-usUsually I set this to screen. I like placing the dark area over dark areas of an icon so they don't show completely black, showing instead either a dark blue or the orange-y red. I also like the detail edging to be used as a creative decorated edge/divider.
KaiTiThis may or may not come on all computers, I don't know. Probably my favorite sans-serif font. I love it larger and also smaller. Do know you'll probably have to play with kerning, and I only ever use it in caps.
→ resources
two-percentThere are so many amazing textures (and screencaps!) over here and I love playing around with them. I often use the hue'saturation function to change the colour or make it black and white. Mostly on screen or softlight but it can do fun things on other modes as well.
colourmayfadeThis batch of textures are just so amazing and incredibly useful. I suggest playing around on any blending modes and especially on screen to add some colour to black or on softlight for some light/shadows.
OratorI use it on 'SPOTLIGHT' on the banner above! It's a nice solid font, really good in caps.
→ and more
MUSIC | Like A Star by Corinne Bailey Rae |
YT /
DLI got aboard the CBR train way late, but better late than never. This song! I swear I don't even realize it, but after a verse or two I realize I've been swaying back and forth to it for I don't even know how long. I was hooked immediately and haven't been able to turn it off since I stumbled across it.
acidflashbacksOkay so there is like no way that you can be on tumblr and not already be following this person, but whatever. This. Girl. And. Her. Coloring. I. DIE. She's xtine005 here on lj, and I'm already a huge fan of her icons but her bigger graphics.... I. CAN'T. Pretty sure I make sounds when browsing her edits. Two words: The. Colors.
Noise TradeNo youtube channel this month, but instead this site. If you're a fan of music, or looking into finding new artists I suggest checking out this site. Because all of the music is free, it's a lot of lesser know names, but there are some bigger/familiar ones there as well where they offer EPs or what have you. You can put in the type of artist you like, and similar ones pop up. I mentioned all the dls are free, right?
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MUSIC | The Way It Ends by Landon Pigg |
YT /
DLSo flawless, I listen to this song on repeat for hours. I'm pretty sure I first heard this on Grey's Anatomy (awesome show to find music) and I loved it ever since. I love the way it builds in the beginning and the lyrics are so beautiful. Quite an emotional song as well.
lyrics2livebyNia stole Kristine from me! >:[ Her tumblr is so flawless and this tumblr is really inspirational. It's just post after post of beautiful lyrics from a variety of songs and artists. Follow it and check it out whenever you need a pick me up :) (this wasn't my find btw, I got this rec'd to me from
nutellaUm, I love nutella? And pretty much all other foods. And I couldn't think of a website :x
• If using resources, please credit the appropriate maker in your resource post.
• The RIAA dictates that all music downloaded should be removed after previewing for 24hrs. We are not responsible for what you do with the music that you download.
• Fonts used in banner: blahblahblah
Thus concludes our second installment of LIKEASHRIMP SPOTLIGHT, we hope you enjoyed it! Now, don't forget to leave YOUR recs for each of the categories in the comments! You can just drop the name of an icon maker you're loving (examples and why you love them are also great), or a song that you've been jamming to, or even just a YouTuber that you think more people should subscribe to. Remember it's only ONE rec per category, not including resources (no maximum for resources, share as few or as many as you'd like. They can be textures, fonts, gradients, brushes, tips, etc. If you leave any, please credit the maker)! Feel free to tell us why your rec has been a favorite recently, and make sure you check around to see what other members have to share! Thanks again for watching our community! ♥ Nia & Sara