So, we have some "good" news, and some bad news. The "good" news is... icon update! These are mostly challenge entries that may seem familiar to some of you. It wasn't until everything was put together that I realized how much I've been relying on green lately! I also realized that HP is easily my most iconned fandom ever and I've yet to tire of it, :') So, on to the bad news~ My laptop screen died on me early Friday morning. D: Well not, died died (though I did think this for a period of time). I seem to have made it go into this sort of limbo where it's not completely shot, but anytime I set the brightness above 50%, after 2-3 mins it begins to flicker and then fades to black completely. Below that and I'm fine, but of course that makes iconning or doing anything in ps impossible. It's like iconning with sunglasses on -_____- So this could be my last icon post for a while, sadly. :( On the bright side (har har), you do still get to look at stunning post after stunning post from the lovely Sara! :3 I won't be on laptop much in general for fear of completely blowing out the backlight, so if I'm a little delayed in getting back to your comments I do apologize. Thank you in advance for all of the comments you may leave! Anyway, enough ramblings~ Hope you like! ♥
01-26 Films (Despicable Me, Harry Potter)
27-42 Television (Legend of the Seeker, Buffy, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Charmed, The OC, Hawaii Five-0, Fringe, Doctor Who)
43-46 Wallpapers (Joshua Radin, Hawaii Five-0, Harry Potter)
1440x900 ||
1366x768 +
1440x900 ||
1366x768 &FIN.
▣ please credit likealight.
▣ comments are appreciated.
▣ watch for future updates.
▣ textless icons are not bases.
▣ please do not repost elsewhere.
X ] 49 multifandom (hp, disney, dw, h50, kdrama, etc)