School: Why am I doing this again?

Nov 01, 2010 20:58

I'm back in school. Didn't know that? Now you do.

And AKDSHJGKSDHJGLHKJSG. That's how I feel right now.

My Humanities requirement was supposed to be easy. And, yes, I have an A. The class is Theater appreciation and the only assignment I didn't get an A on was one that was turned in late because Greg's grandpa died and I was at the funeral.

Related: SCREW YOU, bitch for not letting me turn it in a day late. DEATH IN THE FAMILY. Whore. I hate you.

So my biggest complaint about this class is that it has nothing to do with theater. We've only discussed movies and films and it makes so very angry. If I wanted to appreciate tv and movies then I would've taken a class about that. The professor has very low standards which annoys me to NO end because I actually want to try in a class and not skate by because I have the ability to sound more intelligent than a 12 year old. Somedays. Not really today.

Then there is my Communications class. Which I dropped today because I have no idea what the professor wanted from me and frankly, didn't feel like fighting with her anymore. I can learn just about anything, but give me a class about emotions and interpersonal communications and I will fall asleep before I even open the book. Emotions are stupid and I don't want to study them. Mainly because I don't have many.

My English class is love. I can tell I turn in the best papers and that's a huge ego boost. Right now I'm working on an argumentative paper about euthanasia and while it's hard as well, I'm enjoy it.

Paralegal class is AMAZING. God. I love it so hard. I get to study cases and case law and it's the BEST THING EVER, OKAY? I love the law. I cannot wait till I'm done with school so I can find a job doing what I want to do.

Finally.. my required course about being a better student is REALLY stupid and makes me want to stab babies in the face. Ugh.
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