thursday / friday - 1:12am
well it deff been a day. i cant tell whether its been good bad depressing or happy.
started with getting and A B+ B and B+ on my report card. that made me so happy. i felt like i have a better chance getting into the colleges i want to.
Missed the bus after school. when i got home my dad decided to leave all the desks and tables he was going to take to the dump in the truck that i have to drive to work. i was so pissed off. i hate driving the truck in the first place but now i have all this stuff in the back and its even harder to drive. oh well.
Got to work and that was all fine. till a delivery came in and i had to check that everything was there. so i had no idea what some of it was so the guy who delivered it had to help me and i was really nice in return. no biggie. well i walk away for a sec and when i came back he told me im his best english accent that i had pretty eyes. well people tell me that all the time. but he was hitting on me. when i walked away again he told the other guy i work with to give me his number, and i have it. lol. i feel bad cuz he's not my type and much much older than me.and im not calling him. i got really scared he would just randomly return to the store and start talking to me again. epp.
later i was talking to one of the greatest friends i've had. i've known the guy for years, we met on this online game thingy. Well we were talking and i pretty much told him everything that was going through my head. All the problems im having with life love friendships family my future my appearance. Hes been through so much like jail and drugs, and hes cleaned up his ways. So when i compare my problems to his they look tiny. he helped me in a lot of ways. he made me type out everything that was bothering me so he could understand me better and give me a solution. I realized so much when i typed what i was truely feeling out. I was extremely depressed but now im happy and feeling so much better. i love him so much.
now im watching will and grace. yay 4 gay people that make me laugh!! and i'll be going to bed soon. tomorrow is senior skip day so i might go to yaels half way thru school. shes not going to even bother going at all.
no plans for saturday except that i want to meet up with this guy at the movies either friday night or saturday. depends on his plans. so yea.
i love everyone that takes the time to figure me out better. and even if you dont really i still love you.
no matter what the future holds and all that jazz!