Feb 16, 2004 11:52

Friday night was amazing....I had THE best time...It was so great....To everyone that was there-it meant so much to me to have each and every one of you there and I'm so glad all of you came..everyone looked so great that night.

I hope the people who got candles liked them....I meant each and every word I said to everyone on there.

It was so much fun-we got most of the guys up dancing and everyone looked like they were having a great time....and you guys all told me that you did too =)...I love you all so much and each and every one of you coming made my night even more special.

It went by fast but not too fast that I was upset about it. It was a good amount of time though of course longer would be great. I'm so excited for everyone else's thats coming up!

I even have a new nickname from that night-PURPLE GIRL! Tim, I love your nicknames! That's right up there with hott dish. LoL.

Saturday was such a busy day:
Morning-went to the city with Tiffany for an audition for a broadway showcase. She did awesome going in there by herself and everything. I could only hear her a little through the door I was standing with my ear too...LoL...but she has such a beatiful voice (the lady said so as well) so I know she did good. I was so proud of her!

Afternoon-I came home and Mas and Tiff came over and we watched my Sweet Sixteen video and ate Dominoes with Shannon and my mom and dad were there to for a lil while. The tape is really fun to watch and really funny too.

Then- I went to coach my first game! We won! Liz was so great-she's the more patient one at times. LoL. Sorry if I talked over you-it won't happen again bc I love ya. LoL.

Night-Bowies Bday Hangout. Bowie was so good playing the guitar and Dave your dancing was histerical. Paulie and I were dying, so was Bo's family. I had such a great time with all of you guys. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOWIE!!!

Sunday I went to the city again. I went with the Fab 5 and it was so much fun. We went to Tiffany's to buy each other jewelry but I got a lot for my sweet 16 and I wanted to spend my money in a way that was better for me. So after they got their stuff we went over to Niketown and I got running sneakers, a nice jacket thing, and a running shirt-for track and the basketball working out I will be doing. And I night I went to Mas's with Robbie, Fil, Dani, Eri and Man and we watched the tape again for them all and I had a great time with them all.

Hope the week is at great at this weekend. I love you all.
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