Apr 22, 2009 23:53
After approaching and striking out on every other girl in the lab, Kevin walked over and interrupted Geraldine's precious, precious solitude at the Bunson in the Back, affectionately refered to as "Basil."
"Hey baby. You're kinda cute, in a brainy sort of way... You wanna... trade fluids ....after class gets out?" he asked, leaning and elbow on the table and waggling his manicured eyebrows.
"I'm not interesting in any of those.... gonadal interactions," The lab tech. asserted, pushing her safety glasses further up her nose.
His look of disappointment mingled with shock warmed her heart, and as she turned back to the bubbling liquids she added,"And you might want to go trash that shirt and scrub that elbow really well. You just leaned in a small pool of ferric chloride."
She hummed to herself happily through the rest of her experiment. Even after it failed.
"I have a plan!" Announced Melvin to the room at large as he burst in through the wide open door, a talent he alone seemed capable of.
Five people groaned. Melvin's plans were often long and ludicrously complex. Three people got up and left the room. Rumor was some people were arrested just for listening to one of Melvin's highly illegal plans. Seven people turned their full attention to Melvin the Machinator, knowing from experience that his wacky schemes most often went unfulfilled.
"I think I shall gather together a group of ladies, and they shall all take on the moniker 'Nadine.' I shall mold them into a Roller Derby team that is called 'The Nads.' Then... I shall be able to lead large groups of people in cheering at the top of their lungs, 'GO Nads! Go. Go. GO NADS!!!'"
"Won't that be WONderful!?!"
He left the room as suddenly as he had come, suffering from a severe case of self-induced giggles.
"Who was THAT?" asked the small voice of Cathy, "I rather liked the little dance he did as he cheered."
random fun