McKay/Weir Ficathon Masterlist

Sep 28, 2006 18:53

Debbie (Weirfan)
Melanie (m_m)
Elizabeth (LK08)
Beth (Taurichick)


A Friend, written for GrooveKittie
by Alice Ahn (Cleverness_Renamed)

Request: McKay/Cadman with jealous!Elizabeth.


A Sweet Revelation, written for sjhw_tolerance
by Dahan

Request: Four specifications: sex, lies, videotape, and cake.


An Atlantian Baptism, written for Margaret
by Kellyanne (dearjoanwallace)

Request: Post-episode for "Grace Under Pressure"; Elizabeth and Rodney talking together afterwards. Go as shippy/friendshippy as you prefer.


Battling The Elements, written for doylefan22
by fififolle

Request: Elizabeth and Rodney get stuck in a situation where she is the one panicking and he needs to calm her.


Forget The World, written for Flubber (Sally Lloyd)
by MegTDJ

Request: McKay/Weir story that takes place in a room during a lockdown.


Jealousy Becomes Her, written for WeirFan (Deb)
by Stephanie (Chance2)

Request: Rodney meets a girl offworld and Elizabeth gets jealous.


Of Food and Smiles, written for LittleKnux
by JazzyMcWier

Request: Write Rodney and Elizabeth's reunion after No Man's Land.


OK, Not A Closet Then, written for Alice Ahn
by fififolle

Request: Weir and McKay locked in a closet by Zelenka, Sheppard, and Teyla.


On A Glass Beach, written for Meg
by Keenir

Request: Four specifications: Rodney/Elizabeth established relationship, a day off work, water, and some kind of life form indigenous to Atlantis.


Operation Eye Opener, written for Taurichick (Beth)
by Flubber (Sally)

Request: Elizabeth and Rodney are oblvious to their feelings for each other, and the rest of Atlantis hatches a plan to make them see the light.


Seeking Absolution for Unnoticed Abberations written for Trialia
by million_moments (melbell)

Request: Elizabeth Weir/Laura Cadman from Rodney's POV.


Setting Things Straight, written for Commodore Norrington
by Stephanie (Chance2)

Request: Write a short (less than 5000 words), humorous story about the aftermath of “Duet”.


Spin Doctor, written for Dahan
by fififolle

Request: Four specifications: a spilled drink, a secret hiding place, junk food, a mention of colored lighting.


The Escape, written for Atomic_Pagan
by Llin

Request: Weir resorts to violence to resolve a situation that she and McKay are stuck in. A grenade in her pocket, fistfight, whatever.


Time Out, written for Alice Ahn
by Keenir

Request: Radek, Sheppard, and Teyla lock Elizabeth and Rodney in a closet.


Tipsy, written for Groovekittie.
by LadyBeth (Sokorra Lewis)

Request: Four specifications: trip to the mainland with Elizabeth, John and Rodney banter, discovery and naming of a new Ancient device, Lorne gets lost.


Troubles Melt Like Lemon Drops, written for Chance
by Commodore Norrington

Request: Four specifications: a high school/college reunion, jealous!Rodney or jealous!Elizabeth, a trip to the hospital, and ice cream.


What He Needs, written for Kellyanne
by fififolle

Request: Write Weir / Zelenka with jealous McKay.

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