Jun 18, 2007 20:29
Gee, it's been a while since I was up here. But I've been dealing with life's changes as I really know what coporate americia is all about now. It's so bitchy- I hated it when I was an admin and I think I hate it even more now that I'm a contract administrator. I see all the huge sacrafices that go on everyday for people who work in the workforce, how they give up their children, their husband, their life, their health, and everything all becuase of some sort of fame or crediability... in the end they have nothing. That same person looses their whole family in one night just becuase they didn't get home enough or missed thier child's play for a fucking proposal. I decided that if I want to be good mother, I will take off of work for a while untill children are able enough to go to school and make sure to put family first. I love my husband and I know that if I want kids... I need to be home enough to make them first. The money's good... could be better, but then again when is it ever gonna be enough money. We are paying the bills, we got plans, and we take vacations so I think it is all good.
Modeling is going well. Gonna start shooting some more stuff myself soon. I hope to get alot in this summer. I'm really enjoy meeting all the people and learning about my body. I'm not so afraid of the camera and I want to try getting into more bourlesque and pin-up stuff soon. I can do bourlesque without so much nudity as I've seen it done, but I just need to become more use to my body... use to seeing myself without all the clothes. I think I feel more comfortable when I posing without all the clothes- then when I'm doing fashion. So I'm gonna to start doing more art/bourlesque/pin-up.