Happy Halloween yesterday!

Nov 01, 2004 12:07

So...For Halloween I went and helped my neighbors out at the haunted maze made out of boxes. It was really fun! U got to choose if you wanted it to me scary or not and some paents woudl tell me after their kids wree in to make it scary so we would.  Some people were so scared they ran away with out their candy it was really funny. A little girl was so scared that the grown ups had to go in and get her. There was also a boy who forgot ot get his gun bca k from me. Im not sure if he was the boy that went running really fast after he got out or not. Most ppl were afraid of the chain saw guy. THen a couple of girls came and they were both like no i'm nto going neither am I and so Jeff (the chain saw guy) went behidn the car and as soon as they were by him he started it up and ran after them down the street. Also in the box was a guy with one leg and it was funny b/c he really onyl does have one one leg b/c he was in a motocycle accident. The last two days have been really fun. i have such cool neighbors! (Even tho they are all adults)  Then I went home to pee and kelly had called so I called her and she said she was sittign at home. So she came over and we went to this other hoiuse in our neighbor hood and those people were relaly dressed up. Kelly ran from the one. b/c he was like rubbing up on us it was funny tho. This house had sirens but they weren't on when we went there. After that Kelly and i went back to my enighbors houes for a lil. Since no one wanted to play with us :( Then we went over to Kellan's b4 Kellans we went  to x-tina's but they were doign there thriller dance so we just got candy and left. Then Kelly and I woudl stop at every house we say with lights on on Nroth River. Haha we foudn out where the lady who always wears tennis shoes with her skirt lives. And one family was at the window and we ran the bell and they didnt come so we did it agan then as we were leaving they turned off the light and looked out the window it was funny. We went to Burger King and said Happy Holloween and then get chicken nuggets, then to Tim Hortons to say Happy Holloween motha fucka. THen we went to Wendy's and did the same. Fianly we were at KEllan's were we ate our candy. Ben was there along with to of Kellan's friends. It was pretty fun but I was soo sleepy. We ate some gross pumkin seeds that kelyl liked but no one else did. I had fun bitting in to them and them flyign places. Wow this is really long and you can probably tell I am bored.

WEll today we had an assembly. And there was no point in me going. I would have had none of my first 3 hours and the the only class that matters is AP Bio b/c my algebra class is kinda pointless. So I didn't go. I also have a shit loud of h/w to do so that really sucks. So now i am gonan go attemp to do soem and Ben should be over soon. Good bye@!

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