My first attempt at an all-leaded piece:
Just as I was finishing it--trying to smooth out some of the solder on a joint, one of the inner pieces of glass cracked--just a hairline, but it bothered me. Rather than knocking that piece out and replacing it with another piece using the copper foil and sauter method, I instead cut, foiled, and soldered the green glass to the hilt--or flower--whichever your preference, which disguised the small crack and added depth to the piece. Not sure I'm totally happy with the effect, but it was a good experiment.
Another piece that I'm working on now:
This will be another leaded piece and is bigger--3' high by 1.5'. The glass is all cut--I should be able to start on the leading next Thursday. I really like the way this is turning out so far. Spensive though--I've already spent $100 on the glass for this one.