List of what to do to feel better!

Jan 07, 2007 19:10

So next thing to try to get me to a better mood.
I will make a list of things that one can do to feel better!!!

001 Read a book
002 Look ones favorite movie(NO drama!)
003 Call a friend and talk about how life is simply shit(or whatever comes to your mind
004 Call a friend and ask them over
005 Go outside or anywhere you are alone and just SCREAM!
006 Go to a lake or something and feed ducks..ducks are great
007 Play with your pet
008 If you don't have a pet, play with that of you neighbor
009 Listen to some hard and loud music
010 Dance around(if nobody is around)
011 Go out clubbing
012 Change the Lay out of your Journal, Weblog or what so ever
013 Go with a friend in a cafe and talk about crap
014 Go out to a puplic place with a friend and gossip(only about people who are just plainly bitches, we don't want others to need this list, no do we?)
015 Look a spooky movie(with a good ending)
016 Buy somthing funny and totaly absurd(don't give out to much money, will only put you down later again)
017 do some seriously work out
018 Go to a fitness center and punch at the punching bag(cloves!!)
019 Take a long walk
020 Kleen up(only if you like that)
021 Do some icons
022 Write FF's
023 Read a FF
024 Play in an RPG
025 Sing to yourself
026 Play with a child
027 Anoy a sibling/parent/some family member
028 Drink coffee till your on a coffein high
029 Smoke a cigarette(I'm a non smoker and I seriously would like one now)
030 Go to a chatroom and just punk everybody about yourself
031 Play a game for children, and be happy then you win
032 Give everything in your houshold a name
033 Think about what your friends would be if they were an: animal, kitchen machine, plant, color....
034 Have some sex with your girlfriend/boyfriend
035 Do some seriously big kissing
036 Take something you don't like anymore anyway and break it
037 Write down every cursing you know
038 Do some daydreaming
039 meditate
040 Go to YouTube and watch some silly vids
041 Type failure into google and push the 'good luck' button
042 Dress up
043 put on some make-up(except you have an allergy to make up like I have...)
044 Make a list like this on your own
045 paint/draw/write
046 Do some idiotic test in the internet
047 Burn something
048 Scream into a pillow(if somebody else is at home)
049 Watch an extra stupid movie and make up new speaches for the actors
050 print this list out, than rip it appart because it was just a stupid waste of time...

ok..I seriously feel a little bit better now*smile*
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