The system decided I didn't exist...

Mar 11, 2005 21:15

I am that person that you HATE that loans out ALL the books on the recommended reading list as soon as the essay topic is released*. So, very early this morning, after hoarding my stash of criminal justice textbooks, I took my student card to the loans desk and was told that I didn't exist... The only record of me existed under a different student number and barcode to that printed on my card. (?) And this happened suddenly in my third year of using that same card (?)

Very distressed at my selfish plan being thwarted, I went to photocopy (at least some) relevant parts of the book, at which point I discovered that photocopy cards have been phased out, and instead, there was a new system using student ID cards. Being a non-existent student presented some more difficulties here.

So after an unfuriating philosophy lecture and a cup of coffee I trotted over to admin, ready for a fight. To my suprise they apologised profusely and issued me a new card (which was great - since I've had one depicting me with bright red hair for the last 2 years) - and they didn't even charge me the $14!

AND I got my books!

Non-existant student crisis averted and everyone lived happily ever after. (except those who missed out on reference books**) [insert evil cackle here]

* actually, I lie. This is the first time I have done this, having learnt the hard lesson previously from OTHER people doing it to me. It doesn't make it right, I realise this. But hey.. it's a cut-throat world (and I'm a law student dammit).
** and its not quite as bad as it sounds, since a copy of everything is placed on reserve.
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