Nov 23, 2004 21:55
well i haven't updated in a while..sowwy. Today was good, nothing too exciting happened..i went to school, came home, went to the gym, my mom had a freak shes fine. I just did all my homework for the weekend so thats nice to get it i have no plans so hit up my cell if you wanna do something! I get to stay home tomorrow to go out to brekkie with my mom and randi and maybe meg. Then im making teramisu and pecan pie and cranberry relish for thanksgiving..which btw i am extremely pissed about. Were having my mom, my dad, megan, my sister psyche and her boyfriend which is cool but he has to have, randi, her mom, her dad, her brother, my grampa, AND HIS GIRLFRIEND!! i hate her so much..i think im just mad cause shes not my grama..considering i miss her so much during the holidays..and it sucks cause i wanna slap her (my grampas gf) so badly and i wanna bitch her out. But im sure it will be fine..imma just aviod her so she doesnt ruin my day. But im pretty excited cause i love thanksgiving and i love cooking!!
I havent been spending as much time with my friends and it makes me sad..but it will be all ok cause imma be busy soon hopefully with a job and drivers ed.
well im out..