I'm really trying to post more - really. Mostly, there's not a lot going on. I'm close to on top of my (ongoing) paperwork. In terms of the house, there's a huge electrical/wiring issue that I don't really want to tackle because a) it's my fault for not planning well initially, and I hate that, and b) either of my two options aren't great. But I'm going to have to tackle it soon, 'cause it's got to be cleared up before the building inspector gets here, and theorectially I'm going to have a building permit in about a week (or at least, the rejection from city hall and an explanation of why it was rejected, that I can then deal with).
Because I've been thinking about electrical, and because it's been raining a lot, I've been thinking about lighting. Here's a video of lightning in slow motion:
Click to view
What happens when you get struck by lighting? Lots of stuff, some of which is survivable. One of the "common" things to happen (and I use the quotes advisedly, because getting struck by lighting isn't really that common) is that the eletricity can run along your nerves, heating them enough to burn your skin in the pattern of the nerves. It's apparently painful as hell (not surprisingly) but the burn patten is oddly (and cooly) apt:
Here's a page of photos of these so-called
Lichtenberg Figures with a little more info. Neat.
And lastly, I know a lot of you love XKCD (and how can ya not?), but didja know that the author also
Answers Your Hypothetical Questions With Physics? I bet you didn't. And I bet you're immensely pleased that you now know he does. You owe me a buck.