
Sep 10, 2003 12:45

that's how i feel today...just...bleh...i'm ready for this week to be over with...or maybe just this semester...i just don't have enough stuff to occupy my time...yesterday me jonah and davo went bike riding and it was fun. i got to test out my new mountain bike on our trail in waterloo and she loved it...i need to name my bike, but i'm at a loss right now...

i desperatly need a job...i've been looking constantly for 3 weeks now and it's just not easy to find a job in florence...well, not one that i would like...sure, i could go to wal-mart or some fast food crap, but that wouldn't be fun for me...

i'm skipping class right now cuz my tummy didn't feel good...not to mention aunt flo is the devil...i have to go to chemistry in 13 minutes's my last class for the day, woot woot! so far this year i've only skipped 2 classes...which is really good for me...pat me on the back!

i kinda miss my i just spent some time with it, playing online and on AOL...i'm always at jonah, which, don't get me wrong, i love to be there, he just doesn't have internet...nor is all my stuff over there...well, basically all my stuff, but not everything i could want to live, i got my computer withdrawal outta the way for the rest of the week...good for me...

me and jonah have a new baby in our "family" she's like 12th or something like that...but she's adorable...she's a hermit crab named "roberto liz pradagucci" but i call her 'lil liz...i have some pictures so i'll put them up when i get a chance...right now, gorgio is molting so they have to stay in separate cages...'lil liz is fast...i don't think gorgio's gonna be able to keep up with her...even though he is 4 times her size...

well, i guess i should go...i have class in 9 minutes...hopefully it won't last long...and maybe ic an go ride bikes again today!

if anyone wants to play scrabble online with me, lemme know and i'll start a game up! :-D it'll be fun!

leave me some comments and lemme know how much ya'll miss me on here! :-*
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