SPN 7.09

Dec 29, 2011 17:56

So Christmas came and went and I thought I'd lost my chance to review the last to SPN eps this season. Which have been, incidentally, two of the BEST this season IMO. But lo and behold, a late Christmas miracle - I have a day off!

And here we go... Better not cry too much, I'm out of tissues :(


Leviathans are invincible.

Crowley dislikes them. Because they rejected him, boo hoo. So he's been telling his demons to back off the boys so Sam and Dean can take care of the problem for him.

Frank Devereaux! Was awesome. And one of several bright spots in a sea of shaky writing that are saving the show for me. He gave our boys new aliases and told them to exist on cash only from now on to avoid the leviathans reach.

Dean is NOT FINE.


There's something in the woods! And not just the 'glampers' - term I'd never heard until this ep and oh, what a world we live in that such words and the need for them exists!

Anyway, the two glampers get munched up but an unknown nasty. I don't feel too upset. Although - ick. NASTY way to go dangling in a sleeping bag like that... :/

On the trail of the case Sam, Dean and Bobby have holed up in an abandoned building with no amenities or creature comforts of any kind. Because checking into motels will leave a paper trail etc.

Dean is pissed because they've been doing this for ages... despite the fact this is the first onscreen time the show has devoted to said lifestyle... HMMmmm.

Dean: Weeks. Weeks we've been living with cold showers, cold hot pockets, cold everything!

I suppose it could have been weeks since the last episode in Vegas... but they were instructed by Frank a whole 2 episodes before that. Where was the living rough During The Mentalists or Time for a Wedding? The continuity issues this season are really piling up is all. And, of course, there is the issue of Cas lying last season, which is a pretty big continuity problem.

I DON'T think that the switch from season 5 to 6 and therefore the switch from Kripke to Sera is cause to write the show off as having gone down the pan, like some fans. But when you really examine stuff I can't deny that certain things, like continuity, were BETTER under Kripke...

...well, except for that part in S03 when Dean's deal was held by a 'he' for most of the season until suddenly it was Lilith and a 'she' :p

Anyway, enough bitching. It's only a nitpick. I can get over it.

This is a cool exchange -

Dean: We're on our third 'the world's screwed' issue in what? Three years? We've steered the bus away from the cliff twice already?
Sam: Someone's got to do it.
Dean: What if the bus wants to go over the cliff?
Sam: You think the world wants to end?
Dean: I think that if we didn't take its belt and all its pins away each year then, yeah, the whole enchilada would have offed itself already.

Oh Dean, bb. You don't want the world to end. You just want your world to end :( Because it's slowly but surely costing you everything - mom, dad, Cassie, Ellen, Jo, Lisa, Ben, Cas Cas Cas. It's almost cost you Sam at least three times now, Bobby's been on the edge for a couple (wibble...), so you can see the way the wind is blowing - any minute now you're gonna lose the two people you have left (in some ways you've already lost Sam, who's grown up, independent and healthy now and doesn't need you) and then there'll be nothing. Might as well let the whole thing burn before that happens, right?

Oh, the angst ♥

Bobby has this to say to Dean's opinion: Stop trying to wrestle with the big picture son, you're gonna hurt yourself.

Hee. But also *wibbles* Because whenever anyone mentions the phrase 'big picture' I think of Cas :( He was a big picture kind of guy. Even when helping Sam and Dean fight Heaven he was in it for the long haul, because he believed that ultimately it was the right thing to do. But Dean never got that. He was always a 'live day to day' kind of guy.

Except now he's starting to think like Cas, to maybe understand the magnitude of what Cas was struggling with, and it's too late. Waaaahhh!

Anway, the case. Sam suspects a Jersey Devil. We'll see...

Dean thinks the messed up images of the JD should be fighting a Japanese robot - Japanese media on the brain, Dean? I think we all know this means he's been keeping up with his tentacle porn y/y? ;)

The next day the team meets up with the local ranger to suss out what's happening.

Ranger Rick.

This is hilarious if you're American apparently :p 'Ranger Rick' is a cheerful cartoon character who teaches you how to camp safely, put out fires etc etc.

Not getting this the first time round I was nonplussed by the emphasis on his name and title and found him kinda boring. Now I know what was being referenced he's actually cooler.

In-jokes are the best jokes :p

But the being stoned thing is still a little... IDK, tedious? I know everyone else found it funny but I was like 'I get it, he's acting weird, you don't have to labour the point, move on!' But, I think I'm generally impatient with the show at the moment because everything that happens I'm always 'THIS ISN'T ABOUT CAS! GET TO THE PART ABOUT CAS!' so, you know...

Everyone else clocked the sandwich he was eating here as well, right? I mean, I thought it was fairly obvious it was gonna be a plot point, especially with the cardboard triangle advertising the thing in front of him as well. Or maybe I'm just too clued in to the way this show works now?

Then they make a big deal about having lunch and Dean GETS the sandwich, which is basically an anvil with 'THIS IS SIGNIFICANT' written on it :p

I found the altercation with Brendan tedious as well, but I get now that he was our hint at the aggressive side effects of the food, so it makes sense. Also, Dean's failure to think of a good come back to his insult is a further indicator of how badly Dean is off his game because of CAS so that's a happy thing :)

Sam says Brendan will not be getting his 18% - 18% America?? Jeeze, it's 10% over here... maybe... whut?

They went somewhat OTT over how much Dean liked the sandwich too, tbh.

But then we got the hunting scene in the woods from the promo, which was lovely ♥

Bobby: Never could get you two grubs to shoot a single deer.
Dean: You're talking about Bambi, man.
Bobby: You don't shoot Bambi, jackass... you shoot Bambi's mother.

♥ ♥ ♥

As Kate pointed out to me later - foreshadowing? Bobby's the closest to a mother figure the boys have now... and it's not the boys Dick is aiming for at the end... :(

So they stumble on Phil - the missing Assistant Ranger - bloodied up in a tree. Dean describes the find in the same way Ranger Rick does when he arrives. Which is a surprisingly subtle hint at the two of them suffering from the same drug actually. Well done, show.

Before good old Rick can call the find in, however, he gets nabbed by whatever nasty is attacking people.

Bobby proves himself a super hunter by shooting the thing down in the dark and our team takes it back to their abandoned shack for an autopsy.

Obviously, it takes one last swipe at them before it dies for real.

As they examine the body it becomes clearer that Dean is starting to act 'off' and that the skinny monster was once a somewhat overweight human male.

I do find it amusing that during the disgusting inventory of the monster's stomach Sam and Bobby are 'ewww' but 'yeah, whatever' about Dean's request for dinner. Like that's the kind of thing they expect of him.

Cut back to the diner where Dean is, of course, munching on another special sandwich. This time the effects are undeniable.

Dean (on the deaths in town): It's funny right. I couldn't give two shakes of a rat's ass... is that right? Do rats shake their ass, or is it something else?
Hee :p Being stoned is funny when it's Dean. I don't have double standards shut up!

Next part with everyone in the restaurant eating the stuff in silence, apart from the icky chewing noises, is CREEPY. A* for that.

I LOVE that the takeout of the sandwich comes in an elaborate foil swan. Lol :)

And then possibly the BEST reference to Cas since he died!

Dean: I'm fine. I actually feel great. Best I've felt in a couple of months. Ca-a-as, black goo. I don't even care anymore. And you know what's even better? I don't care that I don't care.

It's the way Cas COMES FIRST. The way he elongates the name, like he's emphasising it ♥ And shall we get overly analytical? Pfft, just teasing! There's no question! He doesn't say 'leviathans' or 'the end of the world' as something that he's been caring about, he says 'black goo.' Now obviously 'black goo' could just be Dean's way of referencing leviathans but IDK, he says it like it's the GOO that's been troubling/haunting him specifically. Like, perhaps, the image of black goo oozing out of Cas as the leviathans led him into that reservoir? Meaning the ONLY thing he's talking about here, the ONE THING that he's been caring about THE MOST, what he's happiest NOT to be caring about anymore, is CAS.

God bless you Edlund.

Anyway, while the guys argue with Dean about his drugged up state, the sandwich suddenly spurts icky goo like the stuff found in the human turned monster from earlier. And Dean realises Bobby and his brother might have a point.

It's at this point I realised two things the first time round.

a) This was going to be an arc-plot episode after all, huzzah! The promo had, naturally enough, been pushing the Jersey Devil theory so I'd figured MotW and was disappointed. Learning the sandwich had been doctored confirmed what I'd been slowly suspecting all ep - that there was something bigger than random monster attacks happening. And considering the leviathans ARE the big bads atm it was pretty much a given they had to be behind it all.

b) This drugging the population plot seemed very familiar... Because when I stopped to think about it here I realised there were two reactions happening to the sandwich - passivity (Dean, Ranger Rick etc) and aggression (dead monster and Brendan). So, we should be calling the aggressive monsters Reavers, should we? ...not that this is a bad thing necessarily, it's hardly a NEW plot, even to Firefly. It just... IDK, felt a bit odd at the time. Like it was an out of place plot in SPN... which is silly since Croatoan isn't all that different, it was just all aggression. IDK, my reactions to this show are unpredictable right now.

Cut to stake out of Biggersons. And the next amazing scene of the episode!

Dean: [sleeping in backseat]
Sam [to Bobby]: So you think he's okay?
Bobby: Yeah, he's alright.
Sam: Good... so you don't worry about him?
Bobby: What do you mean? Before the turducken?
Sam: Yeah... yeah, I kinda mean more like ever since my head broke, and... we lost Cas. I mean, you ever feel like he's going through the same motions but he's not the same Dean, you know?
Bobby: How could he be?
Sam: Right...

♥ ♥ ♥

There's like, this weird, hesitant way he says 'and... we lost Cas,' like there's so much more there but he doesn't understand it enough to try and describe it, or like he was thinking about saying something like 'and Cas betrayed us' or 'Cas went crazy' or whatever, but he realises as he thinks it through that those aren't the things that are getting to Dean, what Dean feels is a 'loss' more than anything.

Also wonderful is Bobby's easy 'how could he be?' How could he be the same after what happened with Cas? I know as much as you [ie. Sam AND us] do how much Cas meant to the guy. That goes without saying ♥

And just, having the show confirm that Dean is 'going through the motions' is great as well. It's confirming what we have already psych 101'd on him.

It's just - it warms my heart the whole conversation. It was as if Edlund went through the list of everything I've been thinking/hoping is going on with Dean this season and put big red ticks in every box :)

Then the stuff about Sam dealing with his crazy was lovely too. I'll leave that to Sam!girl's to analyse.

Next up, following the Biggerson's meat suppliers where, surprise surprise, the team learns it's leviathans behind the whole plot!

A quick exposition scene with the doctor!lev and the mechanic!lev explains they are conducting an experiment, that the aggression is an unintended side effect etc etc.

I quite like scenes with leviathans together, I think they're fun :)

Curiously, mechanic!lev warns doctor!lev to burn his failures because 'Dick' is coming (lolz *is a schoolgirl sometimes*). This is interesting because before now it's always been 'the Boss is here' or 'the Boss is coming.' gwaevalarin suggested a while back that this may be an indicator that 'the Boss' is NOT in fact Dick...

It's an idea :)

More likely though is that the writers didn't have a name for the Boss before and now that they do they are using it...

Then Dean and Bobby get a heart-to-heart in the van.

...because both boys needed some alone time with Bobby before... I suppose... *sniff*

Bobby: I've seen a lot of hunters live and die, and you're starting to talk like one of the dead ones, Dean.
Dean: No, I'm talking the way a person talks, when they've had it. When they can't figure out why they used to think all this mattered.

Oh oh the a-a-angst! ♥

Eee, Bobby tells Dean to find a reason to keep going 'love or spite or a ten dollar bet.' CAS WILL BE YOUR REASON DEAN! ...or, possibly, revenge... :(

Bobby: You die before me and I'll kill ya.


Damn you foreshadowing... not that it prepared me much...

Ha ha, I'd forgotten about The Rise of Dick! Daftness, but the kind of daftness that belongs in this show, so okay :p

The manips of him though... I mean... they're TERRIBLE, right? I don't like to be ungrateful to show writers and say that fanfic writers could do better, because there's stuff involved in running a show that fic writers don't have to deal with so I'm not 100% sure we COULD be betetr. But when it comes to these manips... the fans could have done better!

...do you think they were DELIBERATELY bad?

So anyway, Dick is taken on a tour of doctor!lev's experiment.

He's impressed. But uh-oh, he knows about the failures. And he's pissed that they made the papers because that's one of his big no-nos. The golden rule is 'there's no such thing as monsters.' So he's shutting the project down.

Meanwhile, Bobby is listening in via some of Frank's spy equipment and watches in horror as Dick makes doctor!lev (who was my favourite lev, btw, woes) eat himself.

Then Bobby gets promptly captured.


Annoyingly, my download blacks out during Dick's exchange with Bobby. I'm assuming it was all bravado from Bobby and gloating 'no, I'm not gonna tell you anything' from Dick blah blah.

When I jump back Dick is waxing philosophical on firearms.

I do love that Bobby's all 'Sam and Dean won't come for me, it'd be suicide!' And we cut to Sam and Dean rushing in to rescue him :p

Dick heads out to see what's happening so Bobby can quickly scan through the files in his briefcase and... oh... I didn't remember it was BOBBY who loaded the gun :(

There's a scuffle as he and the boys run out. Bobby loses the gun. Dick picks it up...

I can't say it wasn't a good cliffhanger. With the boys so RELIEVED as they're driving away. So OBLIVIOUS. And when Sam offers the hat... because Bobby's hat is like Indiana Jones' hat or Benton Fraser's hat - if he loses it you KNOW it means trouble and...

:( I'm sorry Bobby, I'm so sorry :(

Verdict? Great to see the arc-plot moving forward, even if we don't know where to yet. Some VERY NICE character pieces. Then a shock of an ending that has the desired effect alright. At the time I was all 'rah rah how dare you set Bobby up for an emotional exit when Cas didn't get one!' But, you know, being one episode and a certain spoiler along I... I don't have that feeling anymore... So yeah, I do like this episode. Though I admit it's something of a transitional one, as opposed to a compelling story in its own right. But then, I like those, so...

spn: review, spn

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