A7 Report

Nov 01, 2011 11:16

Splitting up a report into what happened on what day is boring, so I'm splitting mine into themes :p

Misha on Castiel )

asylum 7, conventions

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darkforetold November 1 2011, 14:57:15 UTC
The whole Cas thing of your report makes me incredibly sad. I'm not going to hem and haw over the whole Sera thing, etc, blahblah. But this makes me quite depressed and leaves me with no hope that Cas'll come back. sigh. Disheartening.

Thank you for the report.


littlehollyleaf November 1 2011, 15:33:27 UTC
I know, right? I mean, Sera's said Misha's coming back... but that doesn't mean Cas will be :(

I really did have an absolute blast at the con despite that though, which is a bit weird thinking about it. I guess Misha is just that awesome :)


katiki7 November 2 2011, 14:59:21 UTC
Actually, she was talking about "versions of Castiel" when asked about Misha's return, so it gave me the impression it would be a version of Castiel.

Anyway, she knows fans are as attached to the character as they are to the actor. Bringing Misha back as another character just wouldn't make sense.


katiki7 November 2 2011, 14:56:25 UTC
I just watched the video, and I have to say, it did not sound at all dire to me as it did to littlehollyleaf. He was joking around, and he said things like "I take solace from the fact Sera Gamble is saying I'm coming back." And he didn't say "Sera was claiming he was coming back without telling him." It just sounds like he's not counting his chickens until he gets the call with a start date. Sera says she talked to him about their intention to bring him back and the "longer schedule" beyond the first two eps of season 7 when they first came up with this story arc for his character. Maybe that was just too long ago or not concrete enough for Misha.

I'm still certain Cas is coming back. Especially since Sera is telling the press he is coming back, and it would be professional suicide for her to lie to the press. If she says he's coming back, he's coming back. So don't be depressed and don't give up hope.


darkforetold November 2 2011, 15:19:09 UTC
I also watched the video afterward. Watching it doesn't make it seem as dire, I agree. However, Misha always plays around regardless of what he truly thinks. That's just how he is. The sky could be falling and he somehow would be able to play it off as the best thing in the world.

I'm trying to have the faith too, but it's getting more and more difficult each day and each time I hear a new report. I sincerely hope that they won't keep him dead. I can't even go into how wrong keeping him dead would be.

Ultimately, I guess time will tell, no? Until then, the only thing we can do is wonder and hope. I would, however, like to buy your bottle of hope/optimism and hang onto it for a while. ;)



katiki7 November 2 2011, 15:30:55 UTC
I do love how he plays around. He has such an acerbic wit.

You can have a bottle of my hope/optimism for free!

But it's more than just hope/optimism. I'm a journalist, and trust me, she wouldn't tell the press she was bringing him back if it was a lie. It would end her career as a showrunner and ruin her reputation in the industry. I think we just need to be patient a little longer.


darkforetold November 2 2011, 15:43:11 UTC
See? This is the kinda of grounded testimony I can bank on. My hope meter filled up a little bit. Thank you. <3 ;)


katiki7 November 2 2011, 17:20:23 UTC
Here's something else that might fill up your hope metre a little more: it's thanks to Sera Cas became such a big part of the show in the first place. In the beginning, he was only supposed to be on the show for a few episodes, and it was Sera who told Kripke and Bob Singer after they filmed 401: "This guy is going to be a big hit. Start thinking about keeping him around." And Kripke went "Really??" And she said: "Oh yeah. Mark my words, the day after 401 airs, there are going to be Castiel icons all over the internet." (And she was right of course.) So I completely believe her when she says she loves Misha--she was the one who first saw his potential and instigated his expanded role.


katiki7 November 2 2011, 17:38:01 UTC
Also, she said it’s Misha’s brilliant acting that inspired her to give him such a challenging story arc of his own in S6. And apparently she already knows what she is bringing him back as (although of course she’s being cagey about it). She told Entertainment Weekly: “"The best way I can be coy about it is to say you'll see Misha again." She continued: "There are so many versions of Castiel you have seen him play on the show, but I can't tell you what we're planning. Hopefully it'll not be what people have predicted, but we'll see."”

I've gotta stop carrying on. I think I have read pretty much everything she has ever said about Misha or Cas. :)


darkforetold November 2 2011, 18:20:14 UTC
I wish I had as much faith in her as you do. Right now, appropriately or not, I totally blame her for all the crap that's happening with Cas. That he was killed off in such a crappy way, etc, blahblah, enter more whining here.

I invite you to come say "I told you so" if he comes back. ;)


katiki7 November 2 2011, 18:51:30 UTC
Oh, I don't necessarily like what's happening with Cas at the moment either, but that doesn't change the fact I know she's not lying about him coming back. I think she can love Misha and want him back without always making choices about the character that I like. If I had my way, we'd always have S5 Cas, the fish-out-of-water angel who holds FBI badges upside down and doesn't quite grasp things like personal space or cell phones. But writers have their stories to tell, they're going to try new things, there's going to be character evolution and progression, and it's not always going to be to my exact specifications. I accept that.

I'll totally come back and say I told you so when he comes back! :)


katiki7 December 6 2011, 00:12:22 UTC
"I invite you to come say "I told you so" if he comes back. ;)"

I told you so! ;)

Executive Producer Jim Michaels just tweeted that he will be back in episode 7x17.


littlehollyleaf December 6 2011, 00:29:56 UTC
I will hold off on accepting your 'I told you' until we see the episode... It's MISHA who's coming back atm. That doesn't necessarily mean CAS. I cannot rest 100% YET...

*bites nails*

Still happy news though! :)


katiki7 December 6 2011, 03:50:32 UTC
It wouldn't make sense to bring him back as anything other than Cas. What would be the point? I've always felt confident they didn't give him a better sendoff because he wasn't being sent off. Were they going to kill Cas for good, they would've given him a beautiful goodbye episode like they just gave Bobby.

And I've been right so far, right? ;)


katiki7 December 6 2011, 05:54:07 UTC
Misha has confirmed he would be coming back as Castiel, in typical Misha fashion, that is to say by giving a twisted rather than a straight answer:

"I can confirm that the character of Castiel is returning to 'Supernatural,'" he told us. "I'm not supposed to talk about any details, but I will tell you this: The character is coming back somewhat changed. I'm not going to tell you everything, but I will tell you that the "new" Castiel no longer wears undergarments."

But anyways, at least we know he's coming back as Castiel and not as something else, even if sans knickers.

Now can I say "I told you so"???


littlehollyleaf December 6 2011, 09:50:01 UTC
Tell me where he said that (and link if you can) and I will record your 'I told you so,' put it on constant loop and listen to it through headphones all day!

This is now EXACTLY the news I was so sure was coming since 7.02 but had begun to doubt.



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