Everything is SPN and nothing hurts! (well, except the show)

Nov 01, 2011 09:34

A guy came round today, right? To upgrade our internet by installing a new router thing and stuff (iz not technical).

He walks in, sets things up, then has to pop out again for a minute to get something. As he's walking out he notices one of gikun's SPN fanarts I have framed on my wall - the one of just Cas looking BAMF with an angel sword and inky wings. He smiles and points at it saying 'wow, that's a great picture.' Thinking he's just admiring the art in general I nod and say thanks (why thanks IDK, it's not like I painted it!). Except he nods back and continues 'he's great he is, I think he's really funny Castiel' and promptly heads out.

It's early, I'm still emotional after A7 and so shocked that a GUY has just recognised and praised my favourite TV character I actually squeed at him a little. He was just leaving through the door, so I think maybe he didn't hear, but - eeee!

When he got back I mentioned how I was really surprised that he knew who Castiel was and it turns out he loves SPN :) He's clearly not in the fandom or anything, just a casual viewer, but we then spend the whole time he's setting up talking about it. He says straight away that he doesn't think the latest season is as good as the rest have been and when I ask what season he's up to he describes season 6 and I'm thinking 'huh, very interesting you should notice a change in quality that season.' He ALSO says how he thinks they should have ended it after the fight with Lucifer, so I chime in with my crazy fangirl knowledge about how they were going to, but because it was making money they kept it going and someone new took over, and he was nodding along all curious and 'ah, so that's why it's different now, shame.'

It was just very interesting to know that someone who didn't know anything at all about the Kripke/Sara situation had noticed a distinct change with season 6 and was critical of it. It was refreshing to hear criticism and NOT have to worry about it being partly influenced by an irrational dislike of Sara Gamble.

He said he really liked the French Mistake episode though :) And he - HE - was annoyed at the way Dean had been acting this season and his misunderstandings about things - his word, not mine. S06 was the season of MISUNDERSTANDING, like I've been shouting about forever! :p He said that he can see the show does a lot to make Dean sympathetic and show he has heart, but that his reactions to things are just really annoying sometimes and you just want to shout at him 'no!' Hee.

At one point he mentioned about Cas working with 'that demon' and I realised he'd got up to The Man Who Would be King. Turned out he's up to Let It Bleed, so I told him the next one was the finale and he said he better make sure he watched it then. He said he feels like there's another twist coming, other than Cas working with Crowley, and suspects there's going to be a double cross by someone. He suspects Balthazar is going to double cross Sam and Dean now he's working with them. When he was saying this I was all woeful inside and thinking 'oh, little do you know it's CAS who's gonna do the double crossing :('

Anyway, I think I've babbled enough about that. Just thought I'd share my random SPN experience with you :p

spn, rl

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