So, I'm not usually one to advertise/rec, but I want to get the word out about this:
The Round-Up :D It's a blog created by my awesome friend Bobster (to those who follow
unreckoned he is the inspiration of the character therein of the same name and the fact the fic was written at all is SOLELY down to him, so y'all should be grateful :p) and is, in his own words - dedicated to bringing you the weird and wonderful side of the news as well as other interesting tid bits. At times there may even be reviews! *Gasp*
The content involves what I would term 'awesome geeky stuff' and is not limited to any one show or genre or even medium. TV, fanfic, RL happenings and fun websites are all rec'd and discussed, so it's a good way to learn about stuff you might not have considered before. Bobster is also a really fun and friendly guy and the blog reflects that by being light-hearted and easy to read.
So - check it out guys. And if you're on Twitter you can get the main headlines from the Round Up Twitter account
here :D