Dec 20, 2005 14:20
It's almost Christmas...crazy! I think this holiday season has passed me by... I haven't really done anything christmasy except for buying presents.
My sister is having a custody battle over her dog... you'd be suprised how traumatic it is for my family.
So Boston has become infested with bed bugs.... honnestly. There's outbreaks all over the city and they are too small for exterminators to do anything about it. It's so bad it even made the front page of some newspapers. I thought I was safe from this, but two weeks ago I noticed I got a strange bite, it was a bed bug bite, but it only happened once, so I wasn't concerned. Last night I got another one... now I am starting to get a little worried. I had this this wierd pussy thing that engulfed my ankle late this fall and nobody could figure out what it was, but I really think it was caused from a swarm of bed bugs becuase how it started off looked like a bunch of bed bug bites. Plus I had more bites just not in such great concentration all over my legs.
I hope I have sucseeded in grossing you all out by now.
It looks like New Years in NYC is really going to happen.... so excitted!