Apr 02, 2004 14:59
jccritical: I liked you first because you were comfortable with yourself. It was the way you carried yourself when you walked and talked. Then, once I did start talking to you, you made me laugh and thta goes a long way. I have a good sense of humor, but few pwople really make me laugh. Then, I discovered you were as big a smartass as me, so I was instantly attracted. Add in some differences in opinions, such as baseball teams, I saw you as someone fun that I could be friends with, that was a start. Then I got to know you better, I found you not only love movies like I do, but you love movies that really make you think, and that is somehting i have not found in many women. So, that made me start liking you more. Then add in that you are cute, you have a nice body, and your personality is just addictive. What could I not like. You're a wonderful person, but you don't give awya much of yourself. You're willing to respect other people's opinions, even if you disagree and mock them alil for it. You're sweet and fun, without trying. I am happy when I am even close to you. Then, when I kissed you, I was sold. You kiss different than any girl I have ever met, I expected to kiss you softly and sweetly like every other girl, instead you were aggressive, but soft. I liked kissing you instantly. Hell, there is nothing about you I haven't liked, including those around you such as your father, dog, and friend who called me stupid. i like you....there no explanation. I just do...and i odn't see why every other fucking person alive doesn't.
Awwwwww, Jesse just made my night, he's such an amazing person and an all around nice kid :) :)