I've decided it's time to get a new phone. It's hard to part with my trusty old
Motorola V66, but you know from this picture that when I say old, I mean it. (Jules, I'm sorry, I'm selfish... you can have my old phone if you want it!). So now the question is, which one to get?
I've narrowed it down to these:
Pretty pink RAZR: has everything I could possibly want in a phone, but I saw Neil's and I'm not sure I actually like the design. I think I prefer something with a clamshell-like feel, more like my V66.
Siemens CL75: otherwise known as the "poppy"-- though this one has a different cool-looking pattern thingy. I really like this design, and the pretty cover, and the size-- it's perfect! Except that it doesn't do MP3 ringtones... what's difference between that and a MIDI one? Not sure polyphonic ones will cut it. Oh, also, I think the camera resolution and battery life are really crap. Can someone look at the stats on that page and tell me what they think? Because I wouldn't know.
If you can advise me, or provide any anecdotes, etc, about certain phones or other ones and all that, I'd really appreciate it. I'd hate to spend loads of money to find out I should have stuck with my cheapy little plastic thing.
And what the hell are polyphonic ringtones? Does it sound like real music at all? I am scared of the "jazz" melody thing my mother uses as her ringtone-- if it's anything like that, I quit.
Help? :)