Train journeys can be entertaining..

Jul 11, 2007 14:07


He wanted to go to London a few weeks ago. the train was the only way we could go, so I was wondering what he would make of the other passengers (and them of him).

I have never seen him so impatient to get out of my bag before, and promptly jumped up to the window, claiming he had travel sickness, and the view would make him feel better....

After several hours he felt much better and asked for a snack, all I had was hoola hoops......he wasn't to impressed....

So I went and got him a sandwich and some beef flavoured crisps......much better he said.

He wanted to know if i wanted a coffee, and promptly got one out the flask....I would have thought it sweet, if I didn't suspect him of flirting with the woman sat opposite the table from us at the time....

When he then struck this pose I knew he was flirting - he would appear to have no shame..........none..............

He had a good look on the map so he would know where to get us off at the right stop.......

Thankfully we made it to our next stop........and had to pose again...
before we jumped on our last train for the day....

We didn't get far before he felt threatened by the lion he could see......I tried to tell him it was only the back of my map, but he would have none of it...

He declared he was hungry again, so he chose where we could go and get the next meal.....

He was adamant that sushi was what he wanted - something new and he hopped in my bag and waited really quietly till we got to the restaurant.

'What are these?' he asked, while grabbing the chopsticks....

He chose what he wanted from the menu.....he could read it far better than me, so I let him choose for us both....

And he greatly enjoyed it when it came.....

Some thing told me it would be a long journey home again lol......

sushi, train, london

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