Pro Life T-Shirt Day, April 24, 2007

Apr 03, 2007 10:50

April 24 is National Pro-Life T-Shirt day, be ready

If you do not have a pro life shirt, you can do one of a few things:

1) Buy one from one of these amazing websites:, (extension of, or another pro life site

2) Borrow one from someone. I have 3 or 4 but obviously I can only wear 1.

3) Make one. Take a regular T-Shirt and paint "Pro-Life" on it. That's all you have to do. It doesn't have to be a cute or clever little phrase. Most people are mistaken in that they think the only Pro-Life people out there are old white men who are sexist womanizers. People sometimes just need to see that there are "normal" people out there who are Pro-Life and that there is nothing to be ashamed of if you stand for the rights of our unborn brethren.

ATTENTION: PLEASE, do NOT wear anything offensive, do not wear anything with pictures of aborted children. Please, don't have an offensive attitude, because no one will respect you. Be polite, confident and knowledgeable.

Go to,, and and look around long enough (Abort73 is extremely effective and educational) in order to come up with reasons why you're pro life (no will listen to you and no hearts will be changed if you don't know anything about abortion or why you're against it). Also, learn about abortion procedures and be ready for the arguments people are going to use to defend abortion. The most common ones I've heard are:
-too young
If you look around those sites and still don't know what to say to stand against those arguments, call me and if I don't answer, leave a message, tina: 469-766-9105

Take flyers with you and make notes of what you learn. I have a lot of flyers and if you hurry you can buy some from some of those sites. Remember, if you don't know anything about abortion, you're not doing much good. People are going to ask you questions, undoubtedly.

Be ready for a lot of opposition. As Darryl said Sunday, if you're doing anything for the Lord worth doing, the enemy is going to stand up against you in opposition. Be ready for a lot of angry people and a lot of judgement. If you're not willing to lose friends to help save the lives of the 4,400+ babies who die EVERY SINGLE DAY in this "free" country, you're not pro life.

Follow dress code. If you get in trouble at school for your shirt, and other people are allowed to wear T-Shirts, especially political ones, know that there is a non profit organization who defends people in these situations because what the authorities at your school does to stop you is illegal if you're in dress code.

If you have any questions or need legal help contact:
Sumi Thomas- Director of Strategic Litigation Projects
Alliance Defense Fund
15333 N. Pima Road Ste. 165
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
1-800-TELL-ADF (835-5233)
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