Oh man. I-am-TIRED! x_x But I am proud to say that I think that my performance went well tonight! ^____^ I didn't make any mistakes (from what I remember >_>;;;) I think it really helped that I attended the rehearsal at 1:00 before the show (even though only maybe 8 people out of our large class showed up).
After I got out of math my sister, boyfriend, & I went to Ismi (Isumi's) & had lunch. Chan paid because I was dumb enough to have left my wallet in my ballet tote ._.;;;
As for the rehearsal I have to say that I expected the other beginning class to do extremely well since they were going first & when I walked in for rehearsal all of them were chattering & dancing together so friendly-like. My class isn't very friendly, we just kind of talk in our little groups. I'd hate to be mean but...the other beginning class...they were awful (& so was the dance). I mean, all the things they did in their dance were the things we do for warm ups (tendue, port de bras, etc.) They started their dance with arm movements & we started with pirouettes (turns). So I'm glad to know I was with the "better" beginning class ^_^. Maybe our class got more complex moves & did better because we never talk to each other & pay more attention because of it?
While we were waiting for our teacher Stephanie to show up at rehearsal someone had announced that she was in her way & that she had laringitis & she couldn't really talk D: That worried me because I actually wanted some criticism before the show (so I would do my best). But somehow she managed to get down notes, correct us, & even manage to talk at the show case & introduce us & such.
Anyway on to the pictures:
Am I the only one standing prepped?
I'm the fat one :D
My sister & boyfriend drew on my car! :D
And amazingly enough my boyfriend came to watch ^O^ (he's never attended any of my evening shows.)But sadly he & my sister got shitty seats (as you can see by the pictures) :/ He said that I looked really happy when I was dancing & I was smiling really big (which Stephanie said we were supposed to do). Also amazingly I wasn't nervous before the performance :O I was nervous all morning but when we walked out to dance I was in a state of mind where my head was just running itself...I don't know how to explain it. I mean, even at the 1:00 rehearsal I had to really THINK about everything I did (the position of my arms & legs, where my head was turned, if I was pointing my toes, etc.) & I even messed up horribly during the rehearsal so I was glad to know I did well. I guess that's what it means to really know a dance (to not have to even think about each step). I had a lot more confidence in myself today since Stephanie didn't personally correct me today. I feel like this performance was important to me compare to the ones I did in high school. Even though it was a smaller performance this was my first performance from a strictly ballet class (in high school it was just general dancing.) I'm more proud of this one because we had less time to work on it & people were more "together" (some people just couldn't move in unison in high school & we had several months to work on it.)
After the show case I went out with Diana & Chan to buy some food & once again Chan paid 0_0;. I feel bad, he spent like $45 on food alone today.
But I must say that today was a good day for me. I really do miss the feeling of performing for an audience. But I think that what I really miss is that feeling of dancing with a huge group of people who you're actually friends with. Its nice when you know everyone's name & you all genuinely smile & talk to each other. Dancing in high school was one of the best experiences of my life :)
Also, I think that because I've always used the same lotion before going into ballet class this semester the scent will always remind me of my ballet class. Which is Bath & Bodyworks' "Cherry Blossom".