Jan 15, 2006 01:43
stole it from eli.I usually don't do this shit, but i like this one.
Directions: Open iTunes/iPod or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your library. Answer, no matter how embarrasing it is.
How many songs: 2481
Sort by song title...
First song: hepcat - 'Lude
Last song: leningrad - Zina
Sort by time...
Shortest Song: Descendents - All(0:03)
Longest Song: Disneyland Studios - The Haunted Mansion(22:26)
Sort by album...
First Song: Rancid - Maxwell Murder
Last Song: Tub Ring - Vehicle
Top 5 Most Played Songs...no cheating
this is so sad...
1. Mindless Self Indulgence - Shut Me Up
2. Mindless Self Indulgence - Stupid MF
3. Mindless Self Indulgence - 1989
4. Mindless Self Indulgence - You'll Rebel To Anything...
5. Mindless Self Indulgence - la-di da-di
First 5 songs that come up on Shuffle...
1. Stevie Mac - Hateful
2. Tub Ring - Psychology Is B.S. (Not Science)
3. The Gadjits - Leawood Rock
4. 3-2-1 activate! - Interview Pt. 2
5. Elastica - Connection
1. "Sex"--How many songs come up: 36 (frankenstein girls will seem strangely sexy - 30 songs)
2. "Death"--How many songs come up: 75
3. "Love"--How many songs come up: 65
4. "You"--How many songs come up: 209
5. "love" and "you" --How many songs come up: 8